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Sakura paused, glancing over her shoulder at Sasuke, who stood by the vending machines outside the school. Naruto didn't miss the longing in her eyes, nor did he miss the way she sighed gently, as if resigning herself to the fact she could never have Sasuke; the man was as untouchable as ever these days, and despite her efforts-noticeable ones that make Naruto extremely uncomfortable-Sakura can never seem to get a hold of Sasuke.

Naruto slowed down slightly, watching as Sakura's gaze landed on him once more. She stiffened, as if afraid she had been caught doing something wrong, and hurried along after Naruto.

The two walked in silence for a while longer, their arms brushing against one another's. There was still a spark of heat running along Naruto's skin every time he so much as grazed Sakura's skin. He was truly, and irreversibly, in love with her.

Watching Sakura, and others, faun over his friend, Sasuke, physically pained Naruto. He knew he couldn't compete against someone as smart and handsome as Sasuke. And although Naruto was much funnier and a whole lot cuter, it didn't seem to matter. That's how it had always been, though. Naruto has come to except that fact. But even so, it still hurt.

"Hey, Sakura, over here!"

Naruto and Sakura glanced up simultaneously at the sound of Ino's voice.

"Ah! Um..." Sakura bit her lip, looking from Naruto to Ino. The indecision was written on her face.

Sakura and Naruto were supposed to walk home together, since they hadn't been able to this week due to Naruto's after-school tutoring. But Naruto understood wanting to be with friends right now. It was Friday, so of course Sakura would want to go out and have fun. Once upon a time, Naruto would've joined her, but now, he felt no urge to be around others. In fact, the thought drained him of all energy. Being around Sakura, though, had always made him feel better-as long as the two were getting along, that is. Even whenever they were just friends, the fact Sakura was around was enough to brighten the gloom Naruto often found himself in.

"Go on," Naruto whispered, nudging Sakura gently. "Go have fun! We can talk tomorrow."

Sakura beamed up at him, looking more excited than she had been recently. "Really?"


"Yay, thank you, babe!" She lifted herself onto her toes slightly, pressing a quick, hasty kiss to Naruto's lips, one that made his insides flutter and his lips tingle.

He couldn't help but smile as Sakura ran off, joining her friends. She waved over her shoulder, and Naruto waved back, grinning. The pain in his chest was worth seeing Sakura smile again.

After Ino and Sakura walked off together, Naruto sighed, looking dejectedly at the ground. An empty, hollow feeling was left in his gut as the sound of silence filled his ears.

Naruto stood along he walkway leading to the front gates of his school. Classes had ended twenty minutes ago, and he had waited ten minutes for Sakura to get done talking so they could hang out for a while, but it seemed today wasn't his day.

Footsteps sounded behind him and he turned around.

Sasuke was walking towards Naruto, a small frown on his face. Naruto straightened slightly at seeing his friend, another small smile touching the corners of his lips.

Well, if Sakura wouldn't walk with him, Naruto knew Sasuke would.

"Hey!" Naruto called out.

Sasuke picked up the pace slightly and came to stand next to the blonde. "Girlfriend ditch you again?"

Chuckling awkwardly, Naruto mumbled, "She didn't ditch me, she went to hang out with Ino..."

Sasuke hummed in what sounded like disbelief. "Sure. Sure. I mean, it's not like this is the fourth time in two weeks that you've attempted to 'rekindle your love!' and then proceeded to get shot down almost immediately, but whatever." He rolled his eyes.

"It's not that big of a deal..."

"As long as she's happy, right?" Sasuke gave Naruto a look that spoke volumes. It seemed Sasuke was aware of how much this was affecting Naruto. It also seemed Sasuke thought this whole thing was stupid.

Naruto sighed, shaking his head. "Whatever, man. Let's go home."

" 'kay..."


Sasuke couldn't figure out what Naruto liked about Sakura. No matter how hard he tried, he simply couldn't see what his friend did. She was loud, obnoxious, and totally obsessed with someone who wasn't her boyfriend.

But, in the end, it was Naruto's choice. He got to decide who he wanted to be with. Sasuke didn't get a say in the matter. Apparently.

Frowning, Sasuke stared at his ceiling. He and Naruto had walked home together as usual. Sasuke lived further out than Naruto, though, so he was left with more time to overthink things before arriving at his house, where he had to cook his own dinner and clean his own house.

Both Naruto and Sasuke lived alone. Both were orphans abandoned by the state. Neither complained about it though. At least, not publicly. Often, Sasuke would rant to Naruto about how awful it was being to sole heir to such a large place and not having anyone to share it with. Naruto would then complain about having to work two jobs-one on weekdays and one on weekends-just to afford his small, broken apartment and what little food he ate during the day.

Of course, Naruto never liked asking for help, so Sasuke made it a point to pay for things whenever they went out places. The only times Naruto would argue with Sasuke about being treated to things is whenever the bill would be too high, or whenever Naruto was feeling extra prideful.

Sasuke wanted Naruto to be as comfortable as possible, and he intended to do so by assisting in any way he could. He even planned on asking Naruto to move in with him. This plan was developed at the young age of eight, but here Sasuke was, seventeen and getting older, and never once had he even attempted to ask Naruto to live with him.

Things got even more complicated after Sasuke realized he had fallen for Naruto. And then Naruto and Sakura started dating in first year, at the age of sixteen.

The complications were only getting more difficult to overturn: Sakura was still head-over-heels for Sasuke and was no longer attempting to hide it, Naruto's rent had gone up recently, and Sasuke couldn't find it in himself to get the guts to confess to his long-term crush.

Things were messy, to say the least, and Sasuke wasn't even sure where to start so he could fix things.

It didn't help that last week he had invited Naruto over to his house, and that date had been set for this Saturday.

Being the nice, charming man Naruto was, he agreed.

Now, Naruto would be spending the night with Sasuke, and Sasuke wasn't sure what to do.

Fuck my life! Sasuke thought, groaning and turning over in his bed. It was past eleven, and he hadn't gotten any sleep. His mind was swirling, churning, and wailing as the idea of being so close to Naruto for so long played along the edges of his brain.

This wasn't the first time Naruto had visited, though. The blond came over often when they were younger, but it's been a while. And now, Sasuke wasn't sure he could handle the waves of emotions swallowing him.

All he could do was hope things would turn out okay, and hope that nothing would be too awkward. Which, knowing the two of them, it was bound to be.

Either way, Sasuke would need as much sleep-and hard liqour-he could get before it was time for their 'sleepover'.

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