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"What—what makes you say that?" Naruto sputtered, shaking slightly. Was it that obvious?

Sakura shrugged. "I mean, you're always together. And you always seen happier around him. Plus, you get a big, dopey grin whenever you talk about him. You practically had stars in your eyes the other day in class, just sitting there and staring at him as he talked. I know that look and i know that feeling—" she cut off, looking away and clearing her throat. "I mean, you know. I've been in love. I know what it looks like. And—" she turned back to Naruto, her eyes hardened "—you should too. So stop denying yourself of these feelings and allow yourself to indulge in them."

Blinking slowly, Naruto began to smile. "Damn. Okay." He giggled.


"Nothing. Nothing. Just that I missed this. You know, actually talking." He tilted his head to the side, looking her in the eyes. "I'm glad I can talk to you again. I missed your wonderful—and aggressive—advice."

"My advice isn't aggressive, bitch!" She hissed, kicking Naruto underneath the table again.

Naruto laughed. "Sure, sure."

Hinata snorted. "You two are so stupid."

"I agree," Ino added, taking a swig of water. "They're two idiots, a perfect pair of friends. A great duo. Or whatever." She smiled.

Naruto sighed, glancing at the clock above Sakura's head. "Oh, I've got to get back to Sasuke! Shoot!" He stood up. "Bye!"

He waved as he hurried off.

"Bye, loverboy!" Sakura called out after him.


After lunch, Sasuke was walking to his class when he heard a group of boys whispering. At first, he was simply going to ignore it, then he heard Naruto's name.

He stopped by the alcove beneath the stairs, where the boys resided, and pressed himself to the wall, listening.

"—and now he's living with Sasuke, poor man. Imagine having to live with that idiot?"

"For real!"

"I think Sasuke did a noble thing, allow such an idiotic, self-centered asshole live with him. Man is a saint!"

They all laughed, their voices grating against Sasuke's nerves. He pushed himself off the wall, walking up up them.

As their eyes landed on him one-by-one, they became silent.

"The fuck did you say about Naruto?"

One of them, a boy that seemed younger than Sasuke and clearly terrified, said, "We—we said that—that he was a..." He trailed off as Sasuke narrowed his eyes at him.

"Don't you dare," he whispered, leaning forward, towards the tallest of the group, who was older and bigger than Sasuke, "talk about him that way."

"And why not? He your boyfriend or something?" The man asked.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "That the only insult you got? Weak." He spat at the man.

He flinched as Sasuke's spit landed right where it was intended to: right beneath his left eye.

A moment passed in silence, then the man decked Sasuke. Sasuke felt his lip split. Tasted the blood that began to pour from it, felt his nose almost crack beneath the man's large fist. Blood trickled down from his nose as well, leaking into his mouth.

He spit the blood back out at the man, who was enraged.

Then, he ducked around the man, who attempted to swing again, and left.

A small group of people had gathered to watch, but Sasuke didn't care. He wanted—no, needed—to find Naruto. He need the comfort and care of one he loved.

Loved. What a strange word.

Sasuke wasn't aware his feelings had run that deep, but he supposed he shouldn't be surprised. He'd liked Naruto since they were young, or so he assumed. That fuzzy warmth had been there almost from the beginning.

He had loved the man for quite some time.


Naruto cursed, wiping the blood from Sasuke's face. They were in the school bathroom. Class had already began, but neither cared. Sasuke was enjoying the feeling of Naruto taking care of Jim. And Naruto seemed too busy worrying over Sasuke to care much about classes.

"I know you already told me what happened, but how the fuck—" Naruto clicked his tongue in disapproval, making Sasuke chuckle.

"I couldn't not defend you. Come on."

Naruto sighed. "And the man asked if I was your boyfriend? Wow, how original."

"I know, right?"

Naruto set down the tissue in his hand, sniling. Warmth spread through sasuke's chest as Naruto reached up, cupping Sasuke's face. The latter was pressed against the sink, where tissues upon tissues sat next to him.

"Thank you. Really. But this was unnecessary."

Sasuke leaned into his touch, unable unable keep the soft smile from his face. "It was necessary, though."

Humming, Naruto rubbed his thumb across Sasuke's cheekbone, causing the man to shiver.

"Want to skip school and go home?" Naruto asked softly.

"Yes, please."

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