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Sasuke was tired. Tired of all the back and forth happening between him and Naruto. Tired of being only a friend to the man he's been in love with for a while now.

So, he was finally going to work up the guts to ask him out.

It sounded easier than it seemed.

Naruto was sitting on the couch, watching some old TV show, when Sasuke came out of the shower, no shirt on. He was in just his boxers. Why? Because it was comfortable. And hot in the house, despite all the fans going and windows open.

When Naruto looked up, his face flushed, eyes wide. "Hey! Put on some clothes!"

"No. It's hot." Sasuke sat next to Naruto, yawning.

Naruto's eyes roamed Sasuke's body, making the latter's face heat up. "Stoo staring..."



"Well, can i—well, I mean...can I touch you?"

"Eh!?" Sasuke sat up, surprised. Images of Naruto touching him in the dirtiest, most sinful ways possible filled his head. "What?"

"Not like that! I mean, like...God. I don't know....I just...you've got so much exposed skin and..."


"Not in a sexual way! I just... kinda want a hug right now. And stuff. And yeah." Naruto glanced away, blushing.

As cute as Naruto was, Sasuke could not let this one slide without some teasing. Summoning all his inner strength, he reached out and grabbed Naruto's hand, scooting closer on his knees. Naruto looked at him, surprised, as Sasuks lifted Naruto's hand to his face, pressing against his palm. Then, he laid it against his cheek.

"There. Touch me all you want."

Naruto was visibly shook, his face beet-red, but despite that, he slowly slid his hand down Sasuke's jaw, caressing his neck, and sending shivers down Sasuke's spine. His hisbjand traveled to Sasuke's collarbone, his chest, his stomach, coming to a stop at the top of his boxers.

Sasuke bit his lip, flushed and excited. He was Naruto to touch him more, to feel that warm hand against Sasuke's cold skin. He wanted to be held and loved and cherished, just like this, forever.

His hand went back up, sliding along every inch of his skin that Naruto could reach as Naruro sat up, pulling Sasuke closer.

Of course, Sasuke didn't protest. He was enjoying himself too much.

Then, Naruto leaned down and pressed a kiss to Sasuke's shoulder, and Sasuke's body lit up, his eyes wide.

Another kiss on his collarbone, another on his chest, a line of kisses going down to his stomach.

Sasuke's breath was heavy, his eyes heavy-lidded.


Naruto was so good at something so simple. How was that possible?

As Naruto pulled away, Sasuke whined at the loss of contact. He wanted to soft, gentle touch back.

Giggling, Naruto pulled Sasuke down, and soon Sasuke was laying on Naruto's chest.

"It's too hot for this."


"Ass," Sasuke mumbled, wrapping his arms around Naruto and pushing his face into the crook of Naruto's neck, placing a soft kiss there. When Naruto shuttered, he did it again. And again. And again.

Soon, Naruto's breath sounded like his own had, ragged and rough. He heart was pounding beneath Sasuke's fingertips.

"You...I was thinking...would you—would you like to go out with me? Like, on a date?"

Naruto paused, his body stiffening slightly, then he relaxed. "Only if we can hold hands and kiss in public."

"Really? Why would you want to do that?"

"If you're uncomfortable you don't have to.."

"No, it's fine. It was just out of the blue is all. Sure. I mean, it will be a date after all."

Naruto giggled. "Yep. A date. So when and where will it be?"

"This Saturday. And it's a surprised."

"Oh? Okay then."

Naruto kissed the top of Sasuke's head as a laugh-track played, slightly grainy and old sounding, on the TV.

It was perfect, being held like this, in the summer night, a breeze gently drifting over them as a stupid show played in the back ground, Naruto's hands running up and down Sasuke's back.

When Naruto pressed his palm flat against the small of Sasuke's back, Sasuke had to sniffle a groan. Even stiffled, though, Naruto had seemed to notice. He began to run his fingers in circles along the same spot, humming gently. Sasuke melted, whining softly, and relaxed completely into Naruto's arms, filled with a gentle warmth, admiration bubbling along the surface of his skin.

Naruto took such good care of him.

And Sasuke was to be sure he would pay Naruto back for it.

That night, they slept in Sasuke's bed again, Naruto curled against Sasuke's chest.

It was comfortable.

And easy.

Sasuke had never felt more loved or cared for in his life.


Sorry for not uploading and sorry for the short chapter! I've got lots of things going on and don't have much time to write. Also, sorry for the "spicy" scenes being mild, bland, and boring. My asexual ass can't comprehend intimacy. Therefore, I suck at writing it.

Anyway, enjoy!

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