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Walking to school with Naruto was interesting, to say the least. It wasn't the first time the two had done so, though, as Naruto often stayed at Sasuke's house on the weekends and went with him to class on Monday morning.

Now, though, after three days of living together, the two of them were walking in silence, comfortable and carefree.

Naruto sighed. "So, Sasuke," he began, attempting to create any sort of conversation, "what do you think of the people at our school? Any of them to your liking?"

Visibly bristling at that, Sasuke cleared his throat and looked away. "What would it matter anyway? We aren't going to be here much longer. After that, we will move on to much more important things."

"Oh! So you do have your eye on someone?" Naruto giggled. Sasuke was so obvious.

"Well, what if I did?" Sasuke asked sharply, eyes darting between Naruto and the path in front of them. "It's not that big of a deal, right?"

At this, Naruto leaned his shoulder against Sasuke's, grinning. "Oh? Please, do tell." He leaned forward slightly, looking up at Sasuke through his eyelashes.

The tips of Sasuke's ears went red, likely due to the invasion of his privacy. He gave no answer to Naruto, instead choosing to stare straight ahead.

"Hey!" Naruto nudged Sasuke. "Don't ignore me!"

"It's none of your business, Naruto."

Hearing the edge to Sasuke's voice, Naruto backed off. "Alright. Alright. I'll let you keep this secret of yours. For now."


Hinata waited after-school by the front gate for Naruto and Sasuke. The three were headed to town together, hoping to stop by and get something to eat before hitting different shops.

This plan was set in motion the day Naruto was settled in to his new home.

Footsteps came walking towards her, too light to be Naruto's and too heavy to be Sasuke's. Hinata glanced behind her, startled to see Sakura and Ino running by together, holding hands and giggling.

They whirled past Hinata, stirring the dry wind around her. As the dust settled back down, Hinata glanced behind her, then at the two girls.

Whatever they were doing seemed to be exciting. It made Hinata feel slightly left out, but the plans she had for today made up for it. Soon, she would be with her own friends, having fun of her own. Soon, she would be able to forget about her troubles and be happy for a while.

More footsteps, less rushed this time. Then, Naruto's voice.

"Hey, Hinata!"

She glanced back. There was Naruto and Sasuke. They were walking together, as usual, their arms brushing together every so often. Sasuke's eyes lingered on Naruto as the latter raced forward, hurrying to catch up with Hinata. When he did reach her, he threw his arm around her shoulders, grinning.

"Hello, Naruto, Sasuke."


Hinata watched as Sasuke's eyes followed Naruto's every movement, a hint of longing filling them softly and swiftly, as cold and calm as the tide underneath the moonlight. Understanding dawned on her, the sun rising beneath fog.

She looked at Sakura the same way.

Giggling slightly, Hinata began walking forward. Naruto followed as his arm slipped from around her shoulders, Sasuke bringing up the rear.

"What's so funny?" Sasuke asked.

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." She turned back and winked at Sasuke, whose eyes widened a fraction. Then, he relaxed and she continued on, facing forward. "Anyway, where are we headed first?"

Naruto hummed, looking thoughtful. "What about that bookstore around the corner from the new Cafe. It's your favorite, right?"

A warm fondness swept over Hinata at the fact Naruto remembered such trivial things. He was, truly, a wonderful friend.

"Yes, yes it is."


Sakura sighed, leaned against Ino's arm, her gaze firmly planted on Eno. Despite Ino and Eno having similar names, the two were complete opposites.

In looks and behavior.

They were out on a shopping spree, having just decided it last-minute.

"So," Ino said slowly, picking through a clothing rack full of light pastels, "how old are you?"

Eno glanced back at her, smiling slightly. "Oh, I'm eighteen."

"Oh, okay. That's not too much older than us. Are you still in school?"

"No, I graduated last year. I'm turning nineteen next week."

Sakura beamed at him. "Happy early birthday, Eno!"

Ino seconded the motion, looking slightly less enthusiastic. Then, she turned on her heels and marched over to a jewelry rack they had set up. Lots of birthstones and crystals adorned what little Sakura could see from where she stood.

"Oh! This is so cute!"

Walking over, Sakura said, "Let me see!"

Eno chuckled behind them, sounding amused. "You ladies are sure something."

"Of course we are." Sakura winked at him and he laughed harder.

Then, as Sakura happened to glance out the window, she saw Naruto and Hinata, arm-in-arm, walking down the sidewalk, laughing together. They were followed by Sasuke, a man she had had her eyes on for years. It seemed he was third-wheeling. An idea came to her. What if she offered to shed Sasukd of that burden and invite him to come with them instead?

But no, that wouldn't work.

Plus, Sasuke had seemed find where he was, and Sakura wouldn't want to disturb that.

With a sigh, she turned back to the earrings Ino was showing her, forcing a smile onto her face.

Sakura had wanted Sasuke since she was young, but now, when she thought of it, all that was left was a hollow, cold feeling in her heart.

At thus point, she was unsure if she was capable of love or not.

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