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Two days. Two days worth of waving at Sakura in the hallways, saying hello to her in class, and smiling at her across the room. And still, Naruto felt as if he had made even less progress than before, despite the talk they had two days ago.

So, he decided to confront her. Or, more accurately, start up conversation.

After second, he saw Sakura and Shikamaru walk out together, their heads bent down slightly as they whispered something back and forth.

Naruto followed them outside the classroom, slipping in beside Shikamaru.

"Hey, guys! What's up?"

It was convenient that Shikamaru was there. Things would definitely be less awkward.

"Hey, Naruto!" Shikamaru greeted me, smiling. Then he glanced as Sakura, who nodded at me. "We were just discussing our plans for tomorrow..."

Sakura smirked, elbowing Shikamaru in the inside. "Go ahead and tell him."

Rolling his eyes, Shikamaru sighed. "Whatever. I—I've got a date tomorrow."

This hasn't been what Naruto was expecting. He gasped dramatically, pressing a hand to his heart. "Oh my God! Shikamaru, you're seeing someone else? How could you do this to me?"

Shikamaru just frowned at Naruto. "No. Stop."


"Yeah, how could you, Shikamaru?" Sakurs joined in, snickering.

The two jostled Shikamaru around, whispering and teasing the man. They continued this charade until Sakura reached her class. They stopped, then, and Sakura smiled before waving and saying goodbye. Shikamaru waved back and Narufo nodded in return.

Then, the two boys continued on their way. They had the next period together.

"So, you two are talking again?" Shikamaru inquired, eyebrows raised.

Naruto shrugged, looking down at the ground. "I don't know. We talk sometimes. It's rarely though, and enough whenever other people are around."

"Ah." This was all Shikamaru said.

Naruto glanced at his friend, noticing the small pucker between his brow, signaling he was deep in thought. What he was thinking about, though, was unknown to Naruto, who felt as lost as usual.

"Well, at least you're not giving each other the cold shoulder. Right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Shikamaru patted him on the back, smiling slightly. "Hey, cheer up. I'm sure things will work out."

"I hope so."


Sakura sat next to Hinata at the lunch table, as usual, their arms touching and their knees bumping togsther every-so-often. It felt different, this time. There was something within Sakura that was begging to be brought out, something she wasn't fully aware of.

As she watched Hinata smile widely, her eyes lighting up, a warmth spread through her chest, a comforting, sweet heat that filled her being. She was content to simply sit there next to Hinata. The ability to enjoy Hinata's company was enough for Sakura.

And maybe it has always been this way. Maybe they'd always been this close, but there was a freshness, a newness that brought life back into Sakura.

She enjoyed being around Hinata and craved her company often. That wasn't odd, though. Right? Sakura had always preferred Hinata's company to that of others, but that wasn't anything to stress over. Right?

Feeling conflicted and confused seemed to be a normal for Sakura these past few weeks. Hell, even before she and Naruto broke up, she'd felt completely lost.

Was this how she would feel forever?

Hinata pressed her hand to Sakura's knee, which had been bouncing, unbeknownst to Sakura herself. Perhaps she was simply to distracted to notice such things.

The feeling of Hinata's hand on Sakura's knee sent shivers down Sakura's spine. A warmth radiated from Hinata's palm. Her thumb drew circles along Sakura's kneecap, making Sakura flush.

Ino didn't seem to notice this, though, as she kept ranting to Hinata about her upcoming date with Shikamaru. Of course, everyone knew the two wouldn't last, they were simply trying things out, testing the waters, but Sakura new Ino had her eyes on someone else. As did Shikamaru.

Sakura melted into Hinata's touch, leaning against the latter's shoulder. Her eyes shut as that fuzzy feeling came back, smile forming on her face.

Now, Sakura could feel Ino's eyes on her, could feel the accusation written within them. But she didn't care. She felt safer and more comfortable with Hinata there. She felt at ease, all her tension becoming fog that lifted to the skies.

Then, Hinata took her hand off of Sakura's knee and wrapped her arm around Sakura's waist. Sakura could swear her heart would burst from her chest, the pounding an insistent drumbeat against her ribcage.

Ino snorted, making Sakura open her eyes. Ino was staring at Sakura's blushing face, her eyes knowing.

And that's when it hit Sakura.

This. This is the feeling she had been craving for so long, that comfortable feeling that filled her entire body with a warmth like none other. That feeling of knowing what she wanted, and knowing she had it. That feeling of being at home.

The feelings she'd harbored for Naruto at the beginning of their relationship.

Was she falling for Hinata?

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