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Once home, Naruto had sought peroxide and gauze, attempting to finish cleaning Sasuke's wounds. When he finished, he helped Sasuke up from the toilet lid he had been perched on, and the two made their way into the living room.

"What do you want to watch?" Naruto asked, plopping down. Sasuke sat next to him, yawning and leaning against his shoulder. When Naruto received no reply, he said, "Fine. I'll pick. It'll better than that one movie we watched..."

"My movies are great and you know it," Sasuke murmured, looking tired.

"If you want to sleep go ahead." Naruto watched as Sasuke squinted up at him.

Sasuke closed his eyes, yawning again. "Will we end up curled together like last time?"

"If we did, would it matter?"


"Okay, then. Sleep."

Sasuke hummed in agreement and relaxed against Naruto's arm.

Naruto turned Gilmore Girls on and turned his attention to his roommate. Again, Naruto admired the man's beauty, realizing how deep his affection and attraction for this man ran. It was a river, rushing through his blood as if a flood just happened to come through. His emotions swelled as he stared at Sasuke. There was a warm, happy feeling filling him, one that he couldn't control. It left him grinning like an idiot and sighing contently.

He wrapped an arm around Sasuke, shifting, once again, so Sasuke laid against Naruto's chest. Naruto propped his feet on the coffee table, focusing on the show now. Sasuke nuzzle into his chest, murmuring, his breathing becoming steadier by the minute.

Soon, he would be asleep, and Naruto would be unable to move without waking him. Which was fine, as long as Sasuke was comfortable.

"Thank you," Naruto whispered, glancing down at the now-asleep Sasuke. "Thank you for everything."


Sasuke awoke, once more, to the feeling of warmth against his back and arms wrapped around him. He smiled, despite himself, and cuddled closer to Naruto, who chuckled.

His eyes opened slowly, embarrassment filling him and causing a blush to spread across his cheeks. He hadn't realized Naruto was paying attention.

As Sasuke glanced up at Naruto, he noticed the dim lighting and soft glow on Naruto's face, bringing out the warmth of his skin and the blue in his eyes. Sasuke could stare at him all day, feeling as if he'd never bore of such a sight.

"What time is it?" Sasuke asked, his exhaustion abetted for now.

Naruto shrugged. "I'd say around seven, but I'm not sure."


"Mhm..." Naruto ran a hand through Sasuke's messy hair, smiling down at him.

It was as if the sun had come from behind the clouds again, gracing the earth with its presence. Sasuke leaned into Naruto's touch, feeling more at ease than he had in a while.

They stayed like this for a while, happy and calm. Then, as Sasuke began to drift off to sleep again, a heavy wave of slumber dragging him beneath waves of icy warmth, he felt something g brush the top of his head, a feather-light kiss, so tender and brief that we was afraid he'd mistaken something for a deep-buried desire.

Time felt sluggish and his thoughts blurred together. He was unable to focus on the kiss aby longer, falling asleep once more, feeling safe and secure within Naruto's arms.


Naruto woke with a stiff neck and back, his head aching. Sasuke was curled up against him still, tucked gently beneath his arms. With a dull smile, Naruto leaned back again, feeling an odd sense of deja vu wash over him.

This wasn't the first time Sasuke had fallen asleep against Naruto's cheat. The thought made Naruto grin.

Once Sasuke began to stir, Naruto lifted himself and Sasuke up slightly, looking for his phone, which had fallen to the floor during the night. Sasuke sat up, groaning, as Naruto reached down, grabbing his phone and checking the time.

They had two hours before school began.

"Want to shower first?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke nodded, standing and stretching. "So, how about skipping school again today?"

The prospect was enticing, to say the least, but Naruto knew he shouldn't. "I've got bad enough grades as is. But we can skip after lunch, if you'd like. Hang out on the roof."

"Alright. Sounds good."


Hello! Sorry I haven't been able to post longer chapters. I've been incredibly busy! I've been trying to write more in general, though, because my therapist recommended it. So, hopefully the amount of chapters I've been putting out makes up for the small portions!


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