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Sasuke and the waiter, whose name was Eno, he found out, had been talking for hours. Or what felt like hours. Sasuke couldn't keep his eyes off the other man and Ino didn't seem to mind. In fact, it seemed to make the taller man more confident, more outgoing; He spoke freely and with great pride. This was something Sasuke admired about him.

"So, we should exchange numbers," Eno suggested, setting his unlocked phone on the counter. His contacts were pulled up.

Sasuke smiled, grabbing the phone and inputting his number. He put the contact name as "cute customer".

Normally, Sasuke didn't flirt, but he felt like it today. There was no one and nothing stopping him, so why not? Plus, if it helped him get over Naruto, then it was worth it. It seemed to be working so far.

Eno typed something into his phone and Sasuke's phone went off. He pulled it out, finding a text from an unknown number that said, "Hey, gorgeous."

Sasuke laughed, shaking his head, and replied, "Hey, sweetheart."

The man giggled.

Things already seemed to be turning up.


Sakura sat in the dark, feeling her tears glide down her cheeks, a colld, wetness filling her heart.

This is what she wanted, right? For Naruto to break things off himself? For things to go back to what they were before they dated? For Naruto to leave her so she can be free?

So why was she hurting so much? Why did it feel as if something inside her was broken now? Could it have been that she truly loved Naruto after all, even after feeling her love slip away? No, that was impossible. She didn't love him like that, not in the same way she used to.

She could never love him the same way again.

A loud, pounding sound startled Sakura away from her thoughts. Someone was knocking on her bedroom door. She had a pretty good idea who it was; Sakura had walked in, ignored her father, and headed straight to her room. Her father had a temper and didn't like to be ignored.

Bolting up, Sakura ran to the door and threw it open.

"Yes, dad?" She asked, looking up at her father.

The man frowned down at her. "Why did you ignore me? That's disrespectful. Now, let me come and talk with you about what's wrong..."


Naruto's head was pounding, his cries muffled by his pillow. A hollow, empty ache had began swallowing him whole, waves rocking him with a force beyond comprehension. His world meant nothing and everything, reality a cruel subject.

In other words, he felt like shit and missed his—now—ex-girlfriend. The thought that they were no longer together was enough to send him spiraling.

He needed to get his mind off of things for a while, to distract himself from the fact he wasn't good enough for the woman he loved most. So, he decided to call Sasuke.

The phone rung. And rung. And rung. And rung. Then, he finally picked up.

There was laughter in the background and Sasuke chuckled lightly before answering. "Hey, Naruto. What's up?"

Naruto paused. A man's voice came through on the other side, and, albeit muffled, he recognized that voice. From where, though? It had an odd musical chime to it, a deep rhythm that was hard to place. It sounded similar to the voice of the man from the Cafe, but that wasn't possible, right?

He pushed that to the side. Whoever Sasuke hung out with wasn't his business.

"Hey," Naruto began, feeling insecurity rise beneath his chest. "So, I was wondering if—uh, well, if you wanted to hang out today? Since we couldn't yesterday...."

A pause, then a muffled, "Hold on a second." Another pause. Naruto bit his lip. Whoever was speaking on the other side must have been saying something important.

"Sorry," Sasuke said, directly into the phone this time. "So, you want to hang out? Uh, about what time?"

Naruto hadn't thought that far. "I'm not sure. I called off of work today, so it's whatever."

"Oh, ok... How about tonight at five?"

"Sure, that works..."


Hey, sorry i haven't been uploading quickly. I've got finals coming up. Also I just got back from a competition for a school event, so I'm sorry for the short chapter. I hope everyone has a good day/night!

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