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Naruto sat his phone down on the counter, just coming back from outside. His eyes were downcast, slight tears building within them. Sasuke stood, his chair scrapping the floor and he pushed it back.

"What happened," he asked, immediately rushing over to Naruto, who seemed to be in deep thought. "Is something wrong?" A stupid question, really, when everything was so clearly when. You could tell by the look of despair written along his face.

Naruto sniffed, taking a deep breath, and then smiling widely, a very fake and very fragile smile. "Nothing! Nothing! I just got news from Hinata. She seen Sakura out with a new man today. It seemed they were on a date. Oh well! At least she's happy!"

Sasuke sighed, pulling the blond into his arms. The latter stiffened, rhsn melted against Sasuke's chest. It took a whole of two seconds before his arms wrapped around Sasuke and his fingers clung to Sasuke's shirt, sobs tearing their way from his body.

"Why, why wasn't I enough?" He cried, shaking. He trembled against Sasuke's chest, sounding completely broken.

Running his hands through Naruto's hair, Sasuke whispered, "You're enough, you're more rhan enough. Just because she's moved in doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. She simple found someone else. Perhaps you too can find someone else soon, or maybe it'll take time. Either way, you won't be lonely forever. Not with me around anyway. You're stuck with me, remember?"

Naruto laughed, shaking his head and burrowing it against the soft cotton of Sasuke's shirt. "Yeah, yeah. And you're stuck with me."

"Damn right I am. And I wouldn't have it any other way..."


Sakura flopped onto her bed, feeling an exhaustion way her down.

Her date hadn't turned out how she had hoped. There was something missing, something she needed that she couldn't find in this man. The man from the Cafe,  Eno. A tall and handsome man who knew how to treat a woman.

After their date, she politely suggested that they stay in contact as friends, not as lovers. He agreed, not seeming bothered by her words.

Now, there was an empty feeling in the pit of her stomach. She wasn't sure what to do.

Who did she want?

Why couldn't she find someone?

And why couldn't she love someone the same way she once loved Naruto?


Hinata had left after reporting her findings to Naruto. She would just read a book from home.

The walk home hadn't been too bad, but her insides were still wound tightly, her lungs aching and tears falling silently. Now, as she sat on her bed, she thought of the way Sakura has looked on her date: happy, content, radiant. Her hair had been in a bun, a few loose strands framing her face. There was alight within her that Hinata didn't often see.

Sakura was beautiful, that was undeniable, and the fact made Hinata's heart ache that much more.

These thoughts were doing nothing to boost her moral or self-esteem. She needed something else. She needed someone else. She needed Sakura. Sakura was the only woman able to make Hinata feel wanted, needed even.

And no she had lost her chance with said woman.

And poor Naruto! Hinata could hear the pain in his voice when they spoke. She could tell how much it hurt him.

Hinata glanced at her bedside table, at the photo of her and Neji. He would've supported her. He would've given her the advice she needed. He would've been there to wipe her tears. But now he was gone, taken away from her by a disease.

Her eyes held tears once more, the ache of loss and rejection stinging more than they ever had.

In this moment, she needed at least one of the two people, but neither would come to comfort her. And she couldn't go to them. She was lost, alone, and scared, curled up in a ball on top of her covers.

The room held a chill that sent shivers down Hinata's spine.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm sorry for not being enough."

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