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Naruto was anxious. He and Sasuke had been planning to hang out for the past week, but the previous night, he had told Sakura that he'd take her on a date. So now, he was stuck with picking one person over the other.

Bitting his thumbnail, Naruto paced back and forth across his worn-out, wooden floor. The planks creaked and groaned as he picked up speed.

It felt as if his insides were twisting into a knot. His hands were shaking. Naruto had texted Sasuke ten minutes ago, and had gotten no response.

Ding! Naruto's phone went off, a message popping up on screen. The boy had been clutching his phone tightly in his hand, awaiting his message back from Sasuke.

Now, he opened his messages and read the reply he had gotten.

Suke the Emo
Dude, go on that date.
You can always come over later
Or don't.
I don't mind.
Take her back to your place and
fuck for all I care.

Naruto blushed, cursing. He wasn't ready for anything like that yet! Of course, Sasuke knew this, and Naruto knew Sasuke was joking, but the idea made Naruto's head spin deliriously and his face heated up. Sakura was so sweet, and her lips were always so soft and the feeling of them against Naruto's drove the blond man insane. She was a craving Naruto was sure would never go away.

He sighed.

Thanks man.
Also no fucking.

Suke the Emo
Whatever u say man.
Have fun.

I will. See u later.

Suke the Emo
Call me whenever u plan on
coming over.


Excitement replaced the dread he felt. As guilty as Naruto was about postponing his and Sasuke's get-together, the idea of being able to actually see his love was enough to overpower any negative emotions he had.

It had been forever since the two had hung out. Sakura was into boxing now, and Naruto had an after-school tutor to assist him with his grades, so neither were able to get much free time. If Naruto wasn't studying, he was at work. Thankfully, he had today off, which he had specifically requested so he could spend the day with Sasuke, as planned but it seemed he would be spending more time with Sakura than his best friend. Naruto wasn't mad, though. Again, he loved his girlfriend more than anything, and getting a chance to be near her completely brightened up his day.

Dialing Sakura's number, he began to find an outfit to wear, the perfect date already planned out in his head.

After four rings, Sakura picked up.

"Hey, Naruto!" She greeted him, sounding genuinely happy to hear from her lover.

Naruto relaxed, smiling widely. The sound of her voice alone was enough to put him at ease. He felt better and safer with her by his side.

After nearly tripping over his own feet, Naruto replied. "Hi, so I was thinking...how about you and me go to that new coffee shop that just opened up? We can spend a while there and then head to the park and enjoy the nice spring weather. How does that sound?"

"Oh! That sounds great! What time?"

Naruto looked at his alarm clock, noting how late he had awoken. "How about in an hour? I'll come over and pick you up? It's not that far of a walk from your place."

"Okay! Sounds good. I'll see you!"

"See you!"

Sakura hung up, and Naruto rushed to get in the shower. He needed to look his best.

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