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"How close are we?" Naruto whispered, leaning against Sasuke's shoulder as they walked. Their footsteps crunched in the dirt, twigs snapping beneath their feet. A soft breeze blew the hair off Naruto's face, and he leaned into it, smiling. The summer sun was pressing against the leaves that were shielding them from its rays.

They had been walking through the wooded area behind Sasuke's house for ten minutes, and, although the scenery was great, Naruto was tired from their long day.

First, Sasuke had taken him to that bookstore and bought him the manga he had been wanting. Then, they went and got ice cream and sat together in the park, relaxing beneath the vast, blue sky.

After, they went to the movie theater, since they had an early start to the day. There, Naruto held Sasuke's hand the whole time, a warm smile on his face and a fluttering in his chest. It felt natural, normal, to be so close. Sasuke had leaned in and kissed his cheek as they walked occasionally, making Naruto flush, and the two spent all day enjoying each other company.

But that wasn't all, according to Sasuke. They still had much more to do.

Soon, the trees thinned and a clearing came into view. The sun was low in the sky, literring the ground with gentle, warm light, and a few stars were peaking out from behind the oranges and pinks. The trees rustled around them as they stepped into the clearing.

Sasuke went and sat down in the middle of it, leaning back on his hands. Naruto joined him. There were some flowers growing nearby, some cicadas buzzing.

For a moment, Naruto just enjoyed the view, smiling widely. It was nice, being out there with Sasuke, not a care in the world. Then, Sasuke turned to Naruto and wrapped his arm around the latter's waist, pulling him in.

Naruto chuckled, throwing his arms over Sasuke's shoulders, their thighs pressing together. He leaned forward slightly, pressing a kiss to Sasuke's nose.

Sasuke crunched up his face, smiling as well. "Have you had fun today?"

"Mhmmm...." Naruto hummed, swaying back and forth slightly. Sasuke's eyes never left his.

"Good. I'd like to stay out here for a while. Enjoy ourselves."


Chuckling, Sasuke dipped his head down to meet Naruto's and kissed him, a soft, calm kiss full of love and care.

Naruto kissed back, threading his hands into Sasuke's hair. His fingers slid through the tangles as their mouths mlved together.

Savoring this moment, Naruto attempted to memorize the way Sasuke's lips felt, the sounds Sasuke made as they kissed, the feeling of Sasuke's hands on his waist, pulling him impossibly closer. The buzzing around them and the gentle wind. The wonderful was Sasuke smelt. All of it. It was perfect. Every touch, every small kiss, everything was perfect, and it lit a small fire in Naruto's heart.

They pulled away after a few minutes, panting.

"I...I really like you, Sasuke. A lot."

Sasuke grinned back, dopey and silly. "I like you too....so, do you want to do this more often. You know, going out on dates and stuff?"

"Wouldn't that mean we would be dating?"


"Then sure. But only if I get to call you my boyfriend..."

Sasuke laughed, a bright, wonderful sound, and said, "Of course."

They stayed there, in each other's arms, holding this moment to their hearts and the sun went down and the wind quieted and the world settled in for the night.


Sasuke's head was pressed into the crook of Naruto's neck as they laid together on the couch, Sasuke on top of Naruto again.

An old, stupid movie played in the background, some stupid laughtrack going. Naruto was humming some weird song, his hands in Sasuke's hair.

"You know, I've never wanted to be near someone as badly as I want to be near you. It's as if we can never be close enough to satisfy me," Naruto whispered, kissing Sasuke's head. "I really....really like you. More than I've ever liked anyone..."

"Mmmm....that's good. I really, really like you too."

Naruto giggled, holding Sasuke closer. "Yay."

It was perfect. They spent their night cuddled up together, small kisses placed wherever they could reach, gentle hands running along soft skin.

Sasuke had never felt more loved in his life.

But maybe this wouldn't work out, maybe it wouldn't last long. Either way, Sasuke was going to enjoy it while it lasted, savoring the memories they shared. He wanted to hold Naruto close like this forever, know he was always by Sasuke's side, but even if he was unable to, he would always have this moment, one he could press to his heart as many times as he needed to ease the pain.

No matter what happened, he would have this.

I know this is a lackluster ending, but I've been too busy to work on it. So, enjoy!

Also, I may edit the story later, so look out for that. If I do, I will announce it in the description.

I hope you enjoyed! And thank you for all the support!

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