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It was Sasuke's turn to pick a show. Of course, he picked a horror movie, as he loved the way Naruto would cringe at it, pushing his face into Sasuke's arm or chest, depending on how they sat together.

Their week had flown by. Sasuke had noticed Naruto and Sakura were talking again, if only occasionally. He also noticed Shikamaru and Ino being closer than normal.

Now, on one of the last Friday's in their school year, Naruto and Sasuke sat together, on the couch, watching movies.

Naruto's head was pressed against Sasuke's chest, the two of them lying dosn together. Naruto was on top of Sasuke this time, and Sasuke was relishing the feeling of having Naruto in his arms.

Naruto glanced up at Sasuke, his eyes shining with the light from the TV. "Hey, Sasuke, I have a question."


"Are—do we—well, is that something that friends would do?"

For a moment, Sasuke simply stared at Naruto, confused. "Huh?" Why would Naruto as this of all questions, and why was he blushing? Was he embarrassed about their position? But it had been Naruto who's laid on Sasuke, not the other way around.

"I mean—" Naruto looked back at the TV, biting his bottom lip "—I would cuddle like this with any of my other friends....so...."

"You wouldn't?" This came as a surprise to Sasuke. Naruto had always been clingy, so he had assumed the man was like this with everyone.

Naruto flushed even redder. "No... I don't know. I'm just...so comfortable around you. It's like this warm, gentle feeling fills me up and I can't help but want to be closer to you."

That was practically a confession, wasn't it? Or was Sasuke mistaken, driven by his side desire to believe that Naruto felt the same as he did?

"Oh.....I—" Sasuks cut off, not sure of what to say. Did he tell Naruto how he felt? Or did he just reassure Naruto that everything between them was platonic? Could he take advantage of this moment to confess his own feelings? "I feel the same...."

Naruto looked up at him again, beaming. "Really? That's a relief...so...what does that make this?"

"A cuddle session between two idiots."

Laughing, Naruto snuggled closer to me, looking content in my arms. The sudden urge to kiss Naruto on the head, as he had done to me,—or as I assumed he had done—was driving me crazy. So, I gave in. I pressed a chaste, soft kiss against the top of his head.

Naruto smiled softly up at me. "Hey, Sasuke?"


"Can...I sleep in your room tonight? That is, if we don't fall asleep here?"

Sasuke's heart was pounding. That risky confirmation of his feelings and hearing Naruto practically confess had his heart racing. Now, Naruto wanted to sleep with him tonight? Oh lord, Sasuke thought he might pass out.

Of course, Sasuke knew he was being melodramatic, but the whole situation had left his head spinning and his face feeling warm.

"Sure. Sure you can."



Naruto wasn't sure what had come over him, but he didn't regret it. In fact, he was glad he said what he had. And now, he was following along after Sasuke, feared towards the latter's room. They were going to share a bed. The thought made Naruto incredibly happy.

Sasuke stretched, yawning widely. "Alright. Want an extra pillow or cover? Or do you mind sharing?"

"I don't mind sharing!"

"Okay..." Sasuke pulled back his covered, getting into them. They'd already brushed their teeth together and changed into pajamas,.

Once Sasuke had settled in, Naruto got in beside him. They were facing each other, inches apart. Naruto could feel Sasuke's breath on his cheek. What little moonlight came in from the window filled the space, drifting gently onto Sasuke's face, his eyelashes caught in the cool lighting as he gazed at Naruto. His expression was impossible to read, but it went shivers down Naruto's spine.

Sasuke wrapped an arm around Naruto's neck, pulling him closer. Their noses brushed, Naruto's breath catching in his throat as he closed his eyes.

If Naruto was being honest, he was hoping for a kiss, but he knew that wouldn't come, so he simply relaxed against Sasuke, leaning their foreheads together. Sasuke chuckled at this.

Being this close still wasn't enough. Not for Naruto. He wanted to be pressed against Sasuke, to feel his Sasuke's body against his own. So, Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke's waist and pulled him in. Their chests were pressed flush together. Sasuke let out a shaky breath.

That was better.

Naruto held on to Sasuke, feeling happier than ever. His body was warm and fuzzy, his thoughts quiet for once.

This was what heaven felt like, Naruto decided. This was what angels felt whenever they passed the pearly gates—if there were any.

With a wide grin, Naruto found himself drifting off to sleep.

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