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Sakura watched Sasuke and Naruto walk into school together, their arms linked. They both seemed so happy, so full of joy. It was odd. Normally, Sasuke was brooding and Naruto would seem distant, distracted. They both had so much on their plates.... but now, it was as if they weren't bothered by any of it.

Curiosity weighed on Sakura, her eyes never leaving Sasuke and Naruto's figured. Once they entered the school, though, she tore her attention away from them and back to the road.

She was waiting by the entrance for Ino, who had promised details about her and Shikamaru's second date—they had went out again that Saturday. This was surprising to Sakura, since she hadn't expected the two to last long. But it seemed they had hit it off that first night.

Ino came trudging up the road, looking tired and bored.

"Hey, Sakura," she greeted Sakura at the gate.

"Hi." Sakura nodded back.

They began walking together, people glancing at them as they walked by.

Word got around quickly in their school, so everyone knew about the breakup. And about the new couple. If that's what they were.

"So, how did it go?" Sakura prompted, nudging Ino gently.

Ino flushed slightly, smiling. "Well, we talked and talked and talked and soon we realized it was getting late. So we left the restaurant and went to the park. There, we laid in the grass and stared at the stars. When we got up to go, Shika had grass in his hair, so I went to get it out. You should have seen his face! He was so embarrassed!" She laughed, her face bright and eyes shining.

Before, when they were younger, Ino had hidden her smile and laughter behind her hand. She had been insecure of her lips and teeth. But now, there was a confidence radiating off of her.

Sakura wished she could be like that.

"Hey, Ino, Sakura!" A voice shouted from across the grounds.

Sakura and ino looked up simultaneously. Naruto was standing in front of the school, waving at them.

Sakura waved back, happy to see a friendly face. She truly enjoyed having Naruto back in her life. His company was always welcome. And she could sit for hours talking to him. It was what had made her fall for him in the first place.

Now, as she looked at him, all she saw was her best friend. Not a lover. And not a past-lover. Just a friend. Someone she could lean on and trust. And someone she cherished.

"Hi!" Ino said as they approached him.

Immediately, Naruto turned to Ino with a wide grin on his face. "So, how was the date wirh Shika?"

Sakura noticed that both Ino and Naruto used the same nickname for Shikamaru. She found this entertaining.

"Huh? How did you know?" Ino glanced at Sakura accusingly.

Chuckling, Sakura shook her head. "It wasn't me."

"Nope! Shika told me all about it! And he went on a whole rant about how pretty you looked."

Ino flushed, looking away. "Did he really? I mean—" she turned back to Naruto, smiling widely "—I looked hot as fuck, but he really thought so?"

Naruto nodded. Sakura laughed. "Of course he did," she said.


Ino looked pleased. "Oh. Okay then."

"Okay, we need to get to class," Sakura said.

Pouting, Naruto leaned towards her. Not closer enough to bother her but not far enough away for people to ignore. "But, Sakura!"

Sakura rolled her eyes as a group of guys walked past, whispering. Their eyes didn't leave Sakura and Naruto's bodies.

"Come on," Sakura ordered, walking on inside.

"Wait! I'm coming!" Naruto shouted after her.

Ino followed behind them, laughing.

It seemed like her old friend group was back.

Sakura couldn't be any happier.


Sasuke had gotten used to Naruto being clingy, but sleeping in the same bed as him Friday night had nearly gave him a heart attack. When he had awoken, Naruto was gone. Of course, he had been disappointed, but then he remembered that Naruto had to work. Since he had taken a day off in the week to look after Sasuke—who had gotten beat by those assholes—he now had to work on the weekend. Which sucked for both of them.

It was full-time hours as well, which meant that Naruto didn't get home until later. And when he did, he was tired and wanted to relax.

Sasuke understood, though. He was helping pay for food and other necessities, which Sasuke appreciated, but it hurt to be away from him for so long. Then again, maybe Sasuke was being dramatic.

Who was he kidding? He was always dramatic.

They hadn't talked about their feelings afterwards either, and it weighed heavily on Sasuke's mind. He wanted wanted know if Naruto felt the same as he did, if Naruto loved Sasuke the way Sasuke loved him.

Love. It was still odd to think about.

Sasuke loved Naruto.

The idea was strange and unreal. It was so totally and completely implausible and yet actual that it threw Sasuke off in everything he did.

His thoughts never left Naruto. Whenever the sun came through the classroom windows, he thought of Naruto's smile, beaming and precious. Whenever he sat in class, bored, he would think of all the funny things Naruto would tell him. Of all the jokes Naruto made.

Even the unfunny ones.

And it always cheered him up.

Now, sitting at school, on the roof with him, his feelings were overwhelming. He didn't know what to do or what to say.

He glanced at Naruto, who was leaned against Sasuke's shoulder, like always.

He was perfect, absolutely beautiful.

Sasuke could never ask for me.

Or maybe he could.

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