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School was finally over. Hinata breathed a sigh of relief as she followed Naruto and Sakura, who were giggling to themselves about something.

They were headed back to Naruto and Sasuke's place after spending all day shopping. Sasuke had refused to come with, his excuse being that he was too tired.

Sakura had made a joke, insinuating that he and Naruto had been up to something the night prior. Of course, this just made both boys incredibly embarrassed. This only served as entertainment for Sakura and Hinata.

"So, have you made any moves on Sasuke recently? Other than the usual cuddling and kiss," Sakura asked, bumping Naruto's shoulder with hers.

Hinata smiled from where she stood, enjoying being with her friends.

Today had been lovely, and Hinata was ready to spend the rest of the evening relaxing on Sasuke's couch.

From her vantage point, Hinata could tell Naruto's ears and neck were red. "I—" he shook his head. "No. I don't want any more than that. At least...not yet..."

Gasping, Hinata rushed to join them, standing on the other side of Naruto. "Yet? Oh, so you plan on sleeping with him eventually?"

"What? No! I mean....no. No. I didn't mean it like that. Just....one day, I'd like to do other stuff, you know?"

"You mean that you want to act like an actual couple on day?" Hinata guessed.

It was so obvious that Naruto was head over heels for Sasuke that it pained Hinata to watch them go about things this way.

Sakura sighed. "You guys already act like a couple, why not make it official?"

"I—I don't know...I guess I'm just scared.."

This was something Hinata could understand. She looked at the sky, smiling sadly. "I get that. I'm scared too. Of lots of things, but somethings the risk is worth it in the end." She glanced back at Naruto, who was looking at her with such wide eyes that she laughed. "Don't look so surprised. I can be smart too. "

"I know that! I just wasn't expecting you to admit to having a crush!"

Hinata flushed bright red. "Huh?"

"Yeah, you did!" Sakura said, giving her a wicked grin. "You said that you were scared too. Meaning you like someone!"

"No! I don't!"

Naruto have her an understanding look, a small smile on his lips.

Did he know?

The ground changed from pavement to gravel as they traveled onto Sasuke's property.

"Okay. No more talk of this, got it? We get to chill for a while. I don't want to think about anything but that!"

Hinata nodded in agreement, still embarrassed. Sakura shrugged.

"Good. Now, onward!" Naruto shouted, running towards the house.

Laughing, Sakura followed, Hinata coming up shortly after.

Maybe this summer wouldn't be too bad.


Sasuke's peaceful reading time was interrupted by three loud idiots bursting through the door, which he had left unlocked just for them.

They all came to stand in front of Sasuke, who was stretched out on the couch.

"Hi!" Hinata greeted him, smiling warmly.

Sasuke smiled back. "Hello."

Sakura snorted, walking over and pushing his legs off the couch. She plopped down next to him, a smug look on her face.

Rolling his eyes, Naruto sat in the floor in front of Sasuke. Once the latter had gotten settled back down, Naruto leaned against his legs. Hinata went to sit in front of Sakura.

As Naruto went to grab the remote, Sasuke laid a hand on his head. "Loud ass. Try to be quieter next time. I was reading."

In response, Naruto simply beamed at Sasuke, unbothered. "Sure!"

Naruto flipped through the channels while Sasuke played with his hair. Sakura pulled Hinata closer with her legs, smiling.

"So, what do we want to watch?" Naruto asked.

There were shrugs all around.

"Fine. I'll pick."

They ended up watching some soap opera that was honestly ridiculous. But it made everyone laugh, so Sasuke didn't complain.

It was nice being with friends again, not having to worry about anything. When Naruto and Sakura had gotten together, the group split slightly. They didn't see each other as often or talk to one another much.

Mostly because Sakura and Naruto had become reclusive.

Sasuke was glad they broke up. For more reasons than one.

"So, Sasuke," Sakura began, turning to him. All eyes landed on her. "Tell me, what are your intentions with my best friend here?"

"Oh my God!" Naruto groaned, blushing hard. "Shut up!"

Sasuke's face was hot. "Well, I was going to cook him alive, but I think I'll settle for just being near him for as long as i can."

"Awww!" Hinata gushed, her face lit up. "That's so sweet!"

"Wait, cook me alive?"

"Yep." Sasuke smiled down at a pouting Naruto. He leaned down and kissed his forehead. "But I don't think you'd taste good."

"Hey! Then why kiss me, huh?"

"I was testing the theory."

"Huh? Asshole!"

Sasuke laughed, shaking his head.

He loved Naruto more than words could describe, and in that moment, he felt as though he had fallen all over again.

Hey! So, I've been working hard on this! I don't know how much more I'll put in it. I'm just going with whatever feels right.


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