Chapter 13

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~Five years later~
Harry's perspective:
My alarm rudely woke me up in the morning. Ginny lay beside me. Much had changed since the war. I became an Auror and worked at the Ministry. We completed our last year at Hogwarts, and Ginny and I decided to give it another shot. We've been together for almost two years now, and I guess we're... happy.

I got ready and headed to the kitchen. Ginny was sitting at the table, reading the Daily Prophet. "Harry, you look exhausted. Is everything okay?" she asked with concern. "Yeah, everything's fine, it's just... we're currently stuck on a really tough case, and we're not making any progress," I replied. "Don't worry yourself, darling, it'll work out," she reassured me, patting my shoulder. "Take care of yourself."

I tossed the Flea powder into the fireplace and said, "Ministry of Magic". Stepping out of the flames, I made my way to the elevators. I joined my team in our department and took a seat next to Ron.

"Okay, any new information on the wanted Death Eaters case?" I asked the group. "Three more victims have been identified!" Ron replied. "A small family from London. They were killed by them. Witnesses reported two darkly dressed hooded figures. Their faces were covered by black-silver masks."After the war, some Death Eaters managed to go into hiding. But for the past few months, two of them have been killing innocent Muggles.

"One of them might be Amanda Walters; her fingerprints were found at one of the crime scenes," my colleague continued. So today's mission was to locate Amanda Walters. The whole afternoon passed, but still no sign of her. "How are we supposed to find someone we have almost no information on?" asked my best friend. Then we received a message from the Ministry.

It was an address. We immediately Apparated to it. It was a large, abandoned house in a rundown state. We split up and searched the rooms. Caution was needed; we had to be prepared for anything, as Death Eaters were our most dangerous enemies. I heard someone. I moved slowly and quietly in the direction where I believed I could hear the person. I gripped my wand tightly and quickly turned the corner. I faced a dark figure, who startled and cast a spell at me. I rebounded it so it hit the person. They fell to the ground, blood pooling around them. I had no idea what kind of spell it was since it didn't originate from me.

At that moment, our department at the Ministry contacted us. "False information," I dropped my wand and quickly called for my colleagues. It turned out the person I had just killed was not Amanda Walters. It was a drug dealer who had nothing to do with our case. An innocent person.

I sank to the ground, detached from reality. I sat leaning against the wall, not registering anything. I had been working as an Auror for so long, but I had never killed an innocent person. Ron tried to talk to me, but I didn't hear him. It was like an illusion, like a dream. From that moment on, I knew nothing.

A few hours later, I woke up in Ron and Hermione's apartment. My two best friends approached me when they noticed I was awake. "Is everything okay, Harry, love?" Hermione asked, concerned. I stayed with them for about an hour, but only because Hermione wanted to make sure I was okay. When I got home, Ginny bombarded me with questions. I couldn't answer. "Heaven's sake, Harry, what happened?!" she asked again. "Fuck, Ginny, I killed an innocent person!" I yelled at her.

I sat at the table, pressing my hands against my face.Ginny sat beside me. "Harry, darling... it's very difficult to avoid in this job," she said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Don't touch me!" I snapped at her, almost hissing. She recoiled. "Harry, I—" I took a deep breath. "Just please, leave me alone..." I sighed.I couldn't take the next day off, so I had to go back to the Ministry.

I was only physically present. This whole thing affected me more than it should have. I had to learn to remain professional.We were still looking for Amanda and the other Death Eater, so we followed a few new leads. I was busy, so I didn't have much time to think. That was good. We were called to another remote house. We entered it cautiously. If this was indeed a Death Eater hideout, there were likely hidden traps. We split into two groups and searched the house. It didn't take long for us to find something.

We interrupted four Death Eaters at a meeting. One of them was Amanda Walters. We were immediately attacked. I cast an Expelliarmus at one of the four. I managed to disarm one of them.Ron also disarmed one of them. Things were going well until suddenly I couldn't move anymore. It felt like something was burning me from the inside. The pain was excruciating. Pain-filled screams escaped me. The curse came from Amanda Walters. Shortly after, one of my colleagues managed to disarm her. I collapsed to the ground. I vaguely registered them being taken away before everything went dark.

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