Chapter 10

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Harry's Perspective:
In the following months, I rarely thought about Draco. Hermione, Ron, and I searched for the Horcruxes. It hurt me so much to see them like this; I still recognized my old friends from the first year in them, but now they were broken. Forever and always broken. Freaks desperately seeking the hope of the world and doomed to fail.

"Dumbledore said we have to find them!" I shouted at Ron. "So what?! You know nothing! He hasn't even told you how to destroy them, Harry! I'm out. Hermione?" Hermione looked desperately between us. "Ron, you can't do this!" "Fine, then stay here." He angrily ran out of the tent and Disapparated.

He had thrown the locket angrily at our feet. A tear ran down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. I had learned one thing from Malfoy. Keep your mask on.

Draco's Perspective:
I was right. My father was now a true Death Eater. I myself had fallen into a deep depression and only left my room when I had to. But those occasions were not pleasant. I was so scared. The Death Eaters lived with us, and I no longer felt safe in my own home. Although I couldn't call this place home.

I sat on my bed with my wand in my hand. I wondered what Potter was doing right now... He was the first person I ever felt such feelings for, and now he's gone. All because of this damn war. All because of this damn Dark Mark. Would he love me if I didn't have it? I held my wand to my left arm, where the black snake adorned it. Deep cuts formed on my skin. I gritted my teeth. Painfully, I groaned. I let go of my arm. I began to cry when I saw that the cuts on the Mark weren't really visible. I didn't want any of this.

The blood dripped to the ground, leaving a puddle. I was startled when there was a knock on my door. I swung my wand, well, my mother's wand. My arm healed, and I quickly pulled my shirt over it. "Yes," I replied bluntly. It was my mother. "They found someone, dear... they're not sure. You need to identify him."
My stomach almost turned, but I silently complied.

Fuck. Potter, why did they find you... I thought as I looked into the eyes of my ex-boyfriend. His eyes were full of fear, but he also looked at me in some longing way. I didn't flinch. "It's not him." I said. My father came up to me. He looked terrible. "Draco, this is our chance. Are you sure?" "It's not him." I confirmed again.

Malfoy, such a philisti... such a fucking hot dudeWhere stories live. Discover now