Chapter 18

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Harry's Perspective:
Malfoy's visit had stirred something within me. I was confused; what had driven him to come back? Why did he still want to know how I was doing? I just couldn't understand this man. I mean, why does he still care about me after all these years?

It slowly became clear to me that I wouldn't be able to get out of this hole on my own, but who could I ask? My own friends wouldn't understand me, my family is dead, and... Malfoy? No, never. I can't trust him; he betrayed and used me, not to mention he was my ex. You don't stay friends with your ex. I mean, almost everyone hates their ex, so why should I be the exception?

I would just continue living my miserable life and wait for death. I was content with my plan and let myself fall back onto the couch. I looked at my legs dangling lifelessly off the edge of the sofa. I sighed. I never thought I would miss something as simple as walking as much as I do now.

Every day was a challenge; my suicidal thoughts grew stronger and the longing for peace ever greater. Finally, two days later, I decided to end it. I left the house for the first time in months, and it would be the last time. I was determined about that. I dragged myself through the streets and alleys until I finally reached my destination.

A bit off the beaten path from Godric's Hollow lay a railway track. A train passed here three times a day: morning, noon, and evening. It was just before 6, so the evening train would arrive in a few minutes. I struggled to roll myself onto the tracks and looked into the distance. A warm feeling spread through me, a mix of pure adrenaline and hope. I sighed.

Draco's Perspective:
I had an incredibly bad feeling in my gut. Something was going to happen. One thing I knew for sure was that I could trust my intuition; it had never been wrong. I couldn't sit still any longer and left the Ministry with a questioning look from Blaise. I looked around, thought for a moment, and Apparated to Godric's Hollow. I pounded loudly on Potter's door. "Potter, open up!" "Potter!"

"He left the house about 10 minutes ago," an elderly lady next to me said. She stood by the fence and smiled at me. "He walked down that way," she pointed to the right, down the street.

I thanked her and took off running. I looked around, my gut feeling worsening, and I felt like I was about to throw up. I ran faster, panic rising within me. My eye caught a silhouette in the distance. Fuck. I started running as fast as my legs would carry me. Fuck, why did I always have to save Potter's life?! "Potter! For fuck's sake, get off the tracks!" The train's headlights cast Harry in a blinding light. "HARRY!" The train was almost upon him. Loud honking filled the air. I Apparated and stood next to Harry on the tracks. I looked into his eyes.

The moment felt like an eternity before I grabbed him and Disapparated with him.
Relatively short chapter, sorry for that 😔

Malfoy, such a philisti... such a fucking hot dudeWhere stories live. Discover now