Chapter 16

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Dracos Perspektive:
The week dragged on, and I resolved to Apparate to Godric's Hollow on Saturday. By early evening, I found myself in the small village. I walked through the streets, but there wasn't even a clue as to where Harry might be. Approaching the church, I gazed absentmindedly at the graveyard. Suddenly, my eyes caught sight of a person with black, short hair, but it wasn't Harry, just a small woman tending to a grave.

"Excuse me, do you happen to know a Harry Potter?" I asked the woman. "Oh, yes, of course! I've seen him here often, tending to his parents' grave, and we've spoken a few times. A nice young man, such a shame about his parents... Has something happened?" she asked, looking concerned. "Well, let's say I'm an old friend of his, and I'd like to visit him. However, I have no idea where he lives now," I explained. She smiled at me. "I can help you with that!" She gave me his address, and I thanked her before she bid me farewell warmly and returned to her work.

A few minutes later, I stood in front of his house. The curtains were drawn. I hesitated briefly but then knocked anyway. I waited; it felt like an eternity, but just before I decided to leave, the door opened. Just as quickly, it was slammed shut in my face. I pounded on the door with my fist. "Damn it, Potter! I just want to talk to you!" "But I don't want to talk to you," his voice sounded like he had been crying. The spark had gone from it.

"Listen, Harry, I just want—I... I just want to make sure you're okay." "Why do you care? You've just been messing with me for the past few years! Go away, Malfoy! Or I'll... I'll..." His voice trailed off. My Slytherin pride kicked in. "I'm coming in now," I warned him. "No, leave me alone!" Harry screamed in panic. Quickly muttering "Alohomora," I opened the door. I just managed to duck in time before Harry's spell hit me.

I glanced at him briefly before dodging another spell. Shortly after, he struck me on the cheek, and I felt a small cut. Okay, enough of this. I quickly hurled an Expelliarmus at him, and his wand landed a few meters away on the floor.

I saw fear in his eyes. I placed my wand on the floor and raised both hands. "I just want to talk, Potter." "Fuck, Harry, I just damn well want to know how you're doing." "How am I doing?!" Harry looked at me incredulously. "Great, apart from the fact that I'll probably never walk again, can barely defend myself, Ginny left me, and I'm making my friends' lives even harder than they already are. Oh, and the man I trusted but who betrayed me is now standing here in my house, and I can't even defend myself. And I—" I noticed Harry's gasping breaths. "Potter?" Panic gripped him as he struggled to breathe. I crouched in front of him. "Potter, look at me. Breathe with me. In... and out... in... and out..." Carefully, I reached for his trembling hands. He pushed them away.

Damn it, Potter, stop resisting. He wouldn't relent. "Harry, do you remember what you said to me? When you told me I should have taken your hand, and I said I was a wanker, and you said I still was? You were right. I'm an absolute wanker, and I don't deserve you. But damn it, breathe with me now. If you want, you'll never have to see me again, but I won't leave until you can breathe again."

Harry looked into my eyes and finally tried to breathe in my rhythm. After a few minutes, the trembling subsided, and he breathed somewhat more calmly again.

Slowly, I stood up and turned around, heading for the door. "Why do you always do this?" I turned around. "What?" I asked. "Give me hope only to screw me over again." "Like I said, I'm an asshole." Harry chuckled slightly. "It wasn't okay to just show up like this. I'm sorry, Potter." "Yes, it wasn't, but leaving now would be even worse." Harry pushed himself toward the living room. "What are you waiting for? A house-elf to take your coat?" he called back. Surprised, I followed the black-haired man into his living room. Harry gestured for me to sit. He struggled onto the sofa himself. I waited for him to start talking.

"We were looking for some wanted Death Eaters who had been killing innocent Muggles for some time. When we finally found them after endless investigations, I was hit by a previously unknown curse during the fight. The doctors said they couldn't help me because they didn't know the curse..." I nodded slowly.

"How are you dealing with it?"
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