Chapter 15

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Draco's Perspective:
After the war, I chose not to flee with my parents and instead surrendered myself. That decision led to a lenient trial outcome. Other factors played a role too; I didn't cause anyone's death directly, and I had been partially a spy for the good side. The court decided on six months of imprisonment with no further consequences.

Upon completing my time in Azkaban, I applied to become an Auror. I didn't hold much hope of being accepted due to my past, but the Ministry was in dire need of personnel, and my skills in close combat and logistical thinking secured me the position. For some time, I worked abroad with my best friend Blaise and his husband Chester. They were truly meant for each other, having fallen in love during Hogwarts and getting engaged shortly after the war. "The war taught me not to wait; life can be over so quickly." Blaise lectured me the day he told me he proposed to Chester.

Yet, to this day, I still think about Potter's emerald green eyes. I tried with others, but I never felt for anyone the way I did for him. Entering my boss's office, he greeted me warmly. I was assigned to Weasley's team along with Blaise, Chester, and a few other colleagues I didn't know. Opening the door to the team's office, I was met with the sight of Ronald Weasley, looking worse than usual, as if he'd been drinking heavily for a week.
I had hoped to see Potter again, knowing he was also an Auror, but I didn't know which department he was in or if he was even in London.

Weasley gave me some dark looks as I took my seat opposite him."Well," Weasley began, "since Harry can't return to his old position after his accident, we have some new resources: Blaise and Chester Zabini, and Draco Malfoy." He introduced us, and the others nodded in acknowledgment, briefly introducing themselves.

Accident? What trouble had he gotten into now? During lunch, I sat with my two friends in the cafeteria. Blaise looked at me knowingly. "Let me guess" I looked at him, "You can't stop thinking about Weasley's words and are now considering ways to find out what happened." I sighed. "I'm so good!" Blaise laughed. "Maybe I should become a seer.

"That evening, I sat alone in Malfoy Manor. God, how I hated it. I saw everything play out in my mind like a film—Voldemort, the Death Eaters, and the terrible things that had happened here. I poured myself a glass of whisky and sat on the terrace. This house was never my home. In the night, I pondered. I wanted to know what happened to Potter. But how could I find out?
I could hardly ask Weasley. I could ask Granger; wasn't she a teacher at Hogwarts now? I could pay a visit to my old friend Steve, who had become a teacher earlier in the year.

The next day, I had the afternoon shift, so I apparated to Hogsmeade. Everything looked just as I remembered. I made my way to Hogwarts. I saw the grand castle before me, almost restored to its pre-war state. Good work had been done on rebuilding it.

Steve was thrilled to see me, telling me about his new job, his wife, and her pregnancy. "Congratulations, man!" I slapped him on the back. "Hey, man, you don't happen to know where Hermione Granger's office is, do you?" I asked eventually. "Sure, just go through the corridor, turn left, and then up the tower. But man, she's taken!" he laughed. "Oh, yeah, I know. I just need to ask her something."

Standing in front of her office door, I knocked gently. "Come in!" I heard her cheerful voice. "Malfoy?!" she looked at me, surprised. "What brings you here?" "Well, I— Okay, honestly, I want to know what happened to Potter. Weasley mentioned something about an accident, and I got curious." She raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure if it's right to tell you, but Harry was hit by a curse during a mission." "What kind of curse?" I inquired. "It's unknown; the doctors were baffled." She sat at her desk. "Tea?" she offered. "No, thank you," I declined.

"What's his condition now?" "Malfoy, are you worried?" She looked at me with a gaze I couldn't quite decipher. "I suppose he's paralyzed, but he's not speaking to us. He's practically locked himself at home." The brunette sighed. I thanked her and apparated home shortly after.

Damn Potter... I need to pay him a visit. Definitely. Unfortunately, I had no idea where Potter lived. In the evening, as I was packing up to leave for the day, Weasley stood behind me. "What are you up to, Malfoy?! Why do you suddenly appear out of nowhere and bombard Hermione with questions about Harry?!" I turned around and looked at him. "Listen, Weasley, I visited an old friend who happens to be a teacher at Hogwarts. I was curious and asked her a few questions. Don't worry; I have no interest in her." I said dryly. He eyed me suspiciously. "Stay away from her! And from Harry too."

I sat in a bar, deep in thought. Wait... what if? If I remember correctly, Voldemort's attack on Harry's parents was in Godric's Hollow. What if Harry lives in that old house of his parents? Part of me thought the idea was nonsense, as it was highly unlikely that Harry would ever want to return to that house. But it was worth a try.

Malfoy, such a philisti... such a fucking hot dudeWhere stories live. Discover now