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──────═❀═──────『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟏𝟓 』──═❀═──━『 We can't escape 』

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『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟏𝟓 』
『 We can't escape 』

this was a double update so check the previous chapter  unless u have already read it

Sasuke and I locked gazes; time to get out of there. Sakura's unconscious weight in our arms quickened our retreat from the woman, who was becoming increasingly hostile. We dodged behind the nearest sturdy tree, gently lowering Sakura to the ground, trying to protect her from further harm.

"Sasuke, Misaki," she groggily uttered, her voice laced with worry.

Our eyes never wavered from what was in front of us as we pulled the kunai from our bodies, the pain a rough reminder of our situation. I slung mine away with a firm toss; Sasuke's were slower, his every movement betraying strain.

"Are you all right?" Sakura's voice cut into the air, but Sasuke stilled it with a raised hand to her lips.

My eyes widened in alarm as I pushed Sakura behind him, shielding her from the danger approaching. The look of fear in Sakura's eyes was the same as mine as she mumbled frantically against Sasuke's palm; the panic was highly palpable.

My eyes followed Sakura's trembling gaze then, and my heart dropped at the sinister shape of the snake approaching. I had instinctively activated my Sharingan, and another rush of adrenaline pumped into me as I readied myself to fight.

"Sasuke! Snake!" I yelled, my voice laced with urgency, bracing myself for the attack. Then, the snake zoomed in toward us, its jaws open and ready to bite.

We scattered only just in time, a split-second decision, and barely missed the deadly bite of the snake. The fangs sickeningly sank into the thick bark of the tree with a thud, barely missing us. It was Close Encounter: the near-miss made my blood run cold, me cursing myself for not acting sooner.

As the snake turned its eyes towards Sasuke, he turned to it equally fast and purposefully, showering the creature with streams of shuriken. Razor-sharp blades bit deep into the snake's eyes, cutting through the air with an agonized recoil.

But watching the sinuous shape of the snake made a chill creep into my mind. An image of the woman, overlaid with the snake, intertwined in some grotesque fusion of human and beast; how had she ever managed to exercise so much power over these creatures? I felt unsettled and disturbed by this thought.

"Never be surprised, not even for a moment. A prey has got to be tense and struggle a lot before a predator." The way the lady came out of the snake's flesh sent shivers down my spine, for it was an awful, distorted exhibition of their powers. But even as she slithered toward me with unnaturally great speed, I still remained paralyzed by fear, unable to move a muscle as she closed in on me.

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