Chapter 1: Sasuke, Uchiha?

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                                                              Here's another fan fiction!




                                                                   I'm Sasuke's Sister, Hn

                                                                           Chapter 1

"Leave her alone!" I screamed, at a shadow

"Or what kid?" the shadow replied to me, I couldn't do anything I am a weak Uchiha who can't even use her sharingan properly. I resorted to begging "Please! Please! Leave my mum alone!"

"Your pathectic kid, how can you even call yourself a Uchiha I expected more from Sasuke's sister" the shadow replied, with a smirk of pure evil growing on his face. Sasuke, who is Sasuke? And, I'm an only child I don't have a brother. Right?

I heard a weak voice say something to me, it was my mum "Mizumi(Miz-u-mi), darling I'm sorry I have been keeping a huge, important secret from you" a confused look came to my face at that moment.

"A...secret?" I answered back, with a completely shocked voice

"Yes a secret" the shadow, who I had guessed was a ninja, stabbed my mum in the heart with a silver glisten kunai, she just managed to blurt out "Find your brother, Sasuke Uchiha, he will train you on how to be a ninja" and with that she lay there on the cold wooden floor, dead. A warm, salty tear runs down my pale face and another and another. The shadow laughed evilly then, he just, disappeared. I must find Sasuke Uchiha this is my new goal. I grabbed the glisten kunia from my mum's heart and ran and I didn't stop. But how was I going to find Sasuke. I mean, I don't even know where he lives. Great! Just great!

I came across a forest. Maybe he's in there trainning not a big chance but at least it's somewhere to explore. Right? I entered the forest and about five minutes later I heard a rustling in the bushes. I grabbed my kunai from my pocket and got ready to defend myself. I see a brown rabbit hop out of the bush the rustling was coming from. Phew I sigh loudly. A shuriken suddenly shot past me, just missing my face. I stiffen up, crap! Not a ninja! I said in my head.

With Sasuke in the Hidden Leaf Village...

My head suddenly started to hurt really painfully I fell to my knees and held my head. Sakura rushed over to me "Sasuke! Sasuke! Are you okay!?" Sakura shouted at me, she's so annoying her shouting is just giving me even more of a painful headache. I heard a loud shout "Please, Sasuke help me!". Why didn't Sakura react? Didn't she hear it too? I heard it again, I need to help this person, she's calling on me. I must help her. I push Sakura away, got off my knees and begun to run. "Sasuke! Where are you going!?" Sakura screamed at me, her voice goes right through me. She's such a loser.

Where am I running to? It's like...I'm not even controling my own feet, they are just working by their self. All I'm thinking about is where and how I am going to save this girl. I still heard her shriek for help in my head. I started running even faster, faster than I ever knew I could. I'm coming I screamed in my head.

With Mizumi...

I hear a male voice in my head, he was coming. But who, who was he? Then a ninja suddenly jumped out of nowhere and pins me against a huge pine tree. The ninja; was a boy, jet black hair, brown eyes and muscular. He looks about 13 the same age as me.

"Hey there I'm Naeeya(Na-ee-ya) may I kiss you?" he said to me, whilst I was still pinned up against the pine tree. So he's a perv how nice. I said in my head.

"Hell no! You perv!" I shouted back in his face.

"I don't think you really have a choice" he replied to me. Then what the hell was the point in asking me. Gee perv's these days. He tried to kiss me. No no no I don't want to get a kiss from him. Just then a boy with red eyes, blueish black hair wearing blue appears from nowhere and says "Back off you loser"

"Or what?" replied Naeeya

"Or. I'll kill you" threatened the blueish black haired boy

"Go ahead and try" Naeeya encouraged

"Hn. Fine then. But remember you chose this" replied the blueish black haired boy "Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!" called the blueish black haired boy making a hand sign extremely fast. Balls of flame suddenly started coming out of his mouth. So that's a jutsu! It hits Naeeya. The blueish black haired boy calls something else "Lions Barrage!" he killed Naeeya with just two moves. He approched me "Hn. I heard your call for help so I came running"

"Thank you" I replied with great relieaf in my voice

"Hn. I'm Sasuke Uchiha and you are?" Sasuke said to me. Wait he was the one! The one I had to find! I finally found him! My brother!

I hugged him tightly "Me? I'm Mizumi Uchiha" I said smiling warmly

Sasuke's P.O.V

She's a Uchiha, she's one of the survivers like me. No I have never seen her before. "Hn. I don't believe you, so stop hugging me like I'm your brother" I said and pushed Mizumi away.

"What! But Sasuke I swear that I am your sister" I still didn't believe her, for me to believe her she will have to show me her sharingan.

"Show me your sharingan" I said "Then I'll believe you"

"The...sharingan" Mizumi replied to me, looking a bit worried

"Hn. You seem worried. Why the sharingan shouldn't be a problem for a Uchiha" I repied, sure of myself

"But. I was living somewhere else, my mum didn't teach me how to use sharingan she said you would teach me" Mizumi replied, I started to walk away from her.

"If you can't use sharingan then your not a Uchiha" I said

Mizumi's P.O.V

"If I'm not your sister. come you came to save me!" I screeched at him, whilst tears streamed down my eyes.

Sasuke's P.O.V

I suddenly stopped. That's right. She contacted me and I came running to her. "Fine then. I guess... you really are my sister then" I said and turned around to see that Mizumi was running towards me. "I knew you were my brother" she said to me, and hugged me again. I smiled, for once in my life.

Mizumi's P.O.V

Sasuke wrapped his arms around me and whispered into my ear "I swear to protect you, Mizumi" and at that moment, I felt as though, I had known Sasuke, all my life...


Okay that was chapter 1!

I sure hope you liked it, because I sure enjoyed writing it!

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