Chapter 5: Ino's P.O.V.

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Here's chapter five coming for yah!



                                          Trapped in Ino's Body! My Life Officially Rocks!

                                                                       Chapter 5

I was brought out to a hall; painted a tan orange colour with oak brown flooring. I strolled along to the very end room, the door had a sign on it which read 'Jaden's Room! No trespassing!" and had a skull underneath the writing. I pressed my ears against the door, I listened carefully for movement. I heard no movement or voices. I entered the room with caution.

The room was painted blue and had white carpeting. I scanned the room some more, it was exactly like the other room I had been in but more boy like. I looked to the very back wall, it had a huge drawing of I, Sakura, Ten ten, Hinata and Temari in our bras and pants! The bedroom door slammed shut behind me, I turned to face the door and compared to what was on the back wall this was by far the worst of both. It was...a drawing of me...and Sakura...KISSING! In nothing more than our bras and pants!

I felt my eye twitching and I found myself screeching almost so loudly only dogs could of heard me, I thought I was going to puke! Then suddenly the door slammed open and a guy, about my age, with baggy trousers and a red jumper and top and black trainers yelled "What the hell are you doing in my room!" he was obviously furious, in fact you could see in his, emerald greens, eyes that he was more than furious.

"You perv!" I screeched back at him.

"Ugh I knew you would react like this, Lucy." he replied to me. He just called me Lucy? Who's Lucy? Oh wait I'm not in my own body. I guess I'm in, uhhh, Lucy's body. "That's why I never let you in my room!" he yelled at me again. "Look," he calmed his voice. "Please don't tell mum(mom)" he begged me with a frown.

"Huh. Oh right, yeah no worries. I won't tell her." I replied and gave him a cute wink.

"Thanks, Lucy." he thanked me. "Now, have a look at this." he brought out a piece of paper from his pocket which was folded up. He unfolded it and turned it around to me. "So, sis. What do you think?" he asked me as he grinned.

I examined the drawing closely. It was of Sasuke and Naruto; shirtless, snogging. My eye twitched again. "Well? What do you think?" he asked me again.

"I think...I think," I paused for a second "I think I'm going to puke." I replied gagging a little. I felt puke coming up my throat but I managed to swallow it.

He gave me a shocked expression "What!" he said to me in a surprised voice. "But you love NaruSaku as a yaoi couple." he replied to me, still shocked.

"What? I ha-" I started but soon enough stopped as I remembered that I was in that Lucy person's body. "Um, what I meant was," I paused and thought for a second "I have a feeling you're going to get better at drawing than me soon." I fixed my sentence. I was very relived that I came up with something else.

"Naturally you would get a feeling like that." he gloated. "Now get out of my room." his voice changed to a very serious voice.

"Gladly, you perv." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" he asked me.

"Huh? What? Oh nothing." I replied and quickly exited out of his room. I sighed as I got into the hall. "I think I'm emotionally scarred for life.


So that was chapter five. There probably won't be another chapters with perv-ish bits in it. But anyway I hope you enjoyed it!

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