Chapter One: In the Past

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Okay so here's the first chapter!


Oh and just so you all know in this story Gaara's mother does NOT die giving birth to Gaara, she dies on a mission which she doesn't return from and her body doesn't get found.

Also, just so you all know this chapter is going to be 3rd person but the rest of the chapters will be from either, Gaara, Kankuro, Temari or Saruki's point of view. Just clearing that up!


Name Index: Kankuro(Can-coo-ro), Temari(Te-a-mari), Gaara(Ga-ra), Saruki(Sar-u-ky).

Word Index: Nii-san(Big Brother), Imoto san(Little Sister)


                                                   Saving Her, Gaara's Soft Spot

                                                                Chapter One

28st of June 1998,

Two year old Gaara watched as his mother, Karura, entered their house with a baby girl in her hands.

"Who's that mummy?" Gaara asked his mother.

His mother laughed and smiled. "This is baby Saruki, she's your newly born sister." His mother replied to him; crouching down to his height. Gaara examined his newly born sister Saruki. She had a very light shade of brown hair, emerald green eyes and a cute little smile on her face.

"She's cute, do you think she'll play with me?" Gaara asked with an adorable smile on his face.

"Yes, but not until she's a little older." His mother replied in a soft but cheery voice.

A disappointed expression formed on Gaara's face "How much older?" Gaara asked in his sweet voice.

"Not to much older, when she's five then you can both play anytime you want to." Karura was very fond of her son, but she found it hard for him. He had no friends and Kankuro and Temari were to scared to go near him because her husband, their father, had already told both Kankuro and Temari about the Shukaku that had been sealed within Gaara's body.

"Okay!" Gaara shouted with joy.

4 years later,

"Nii-san!" Saruki shouted as she ran up to Gaara.

"What is it imoto-san?" Gaara asked his sister sweetly.

"Can you play with me?" she replied in her cute five year old voice.

Gaara smiled "Okay Saruki, what do you want to play?" he asked her kindly.

"Ummm." Saruki paused to think. She then suddenly yelled "Tag! Your it!" Saruki tagged Gaara.

He laughed "I guess we're play tag then." he said to himself; noticing that Saruki had already ran away from him, he started chasing after her. "I'm going to get you Saruki." He shouted at her playfully as he caught up with her.

He tagged her "Your it." he said to her and started to running.

"No fair Nii-san! You never let me win!" Saruki complained, huffed and folded her arms.

"Come on imoto-san, you know that you can catch me or are you to scared?" Gaara teased her playfully.

"I'm not scared." shouted Saruki, she came out of her mood and started to chase Gaara. They laughed and giggled.Until Saruki stopped "Nii-san." Saruki said.

Gaara stopped running and walked up to her. "What is it Saruki?" he asked her.

"Your the best big brother ever, and I love you." she said softly.

No one but his mother had ever said that to him, not Kankuro not Temari, not even his own father had said that to him. His face beamed with happiness and in his light blue eyes showed joy "I love you to imoto-san." Gaara replied to Saruki.

"Oh and one more thing Nii-san." Saruki started, Gaara drew her a look that said what. "You it!" She yelled and tagged him, she then started running again. Gaara chased after her and they both started laughing some more.

Saruki was the one person that Gaara could grow a bond with, that he knew wouldn't break anytime soon...


That was chapter one!

I hope you liked it!

I really like this so far, I think I'll definitely continue soon!


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