Chapter 3: Lucy's P.O.V.

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Yah! Here's Chapter 3 of Trapped in Ino's Body! My Life Officially Rocks!



Trapped in Ino's Body! My Life Officially Rocks!

Chapter 3

"Okay you guys we are going to go to the Weapons Shop before we head for Jurado Mountain" said Asuma Sensei "Once we get there I will buy each of you a silver, metal Kunai and Shuriken." what other kinds of Kunai and Shuriken are there other than silver metal ones? He added the words metal and silver in for pointless reasons. I looked up and found that my whole squad were already making their way to the Weapons Shop. "Hey guys! Wait for me!" I screamed and started running past all of the buildings of the Hidden Leaf Village, which basically looked like strokes of paint because I was running so fast. I eventually caught up with them and by that time they had already got their Kunai and Shuriken.

"Ino your late. So as punishment you must buy your weapons yourself" said Asuma Sensei.

"Whaaaaaaaaat! Are you serious!" I screamed.

"Yes I am. Meet us at the village gates" replied Asuma Sensei.

Inner Ino: You dumb bitch! Your not Ino! She would never be late for anything! You better hope she has extra money with her!

"What the heck" I said aloud "Who are you show yourself!" I yelled, everyone in the shop turned around and stared at me like I was a crazy person.

Inner Ino: I am Ino's Inner and your an idiot!

Ino has an Inner? I didn't know that. She sounded more aggressive than Sakura's Inner. Well there's no point in me saying sorry to someone who called me an idiot and a dumb bitch. Ino's...I mean my Inner, was still screaming at me. I just simply ignored her and bought two kunai, one for me to hold in right hand and the other one to hold in my left hand. I, also, bought one shuriken. Everything came to a total of 6,508 yen(£50 and $81.14) not that dear, but now Ino was broke.

Inner Ino: You dumb ass! You spent all of Ino's money!

Again I just ignored Ino's aggressive Inner and ran out of the shop to the village gate were the rest of my squad were waiting.

Time Skip: At the village gate

"Ino you took like half an hour" Choji said to me eating a bag of crisps.

"Yeah. I know. I'm sorry guys lets go now. Okay" I replied sweetly.

"Ino is right. Let's head out for Mt.Death, as I'm now going to call it cause it is easier to remember" said Asuma Sensei "But on the way there we will have to pass through a forest, but that should be easy." finished Asuma Sensei.

Time Skip: At the Forest

"Asuma, how much longer do we have to walk my feet hurt" I moaned.

"Quit complaining Ino" Asuma said to me, with a serious look on his face.

"Please Asuma, can we just have a five minute break" I begged/moaned.

"Ugh. Fine then. But only five minutes no longer. Got that?" replied Asuma Sensei.

"Yeah, yeah I got it." I said extremely relieved.

Five Minutes later...

"I'm ready to go again!" I shouted.

"Good. Lets go." Asuma Sensei said to me.

Time Skip: At Mt.Death.

"Wow. It's huge." I said amazed, Asuma rolled his eyes at my obvious comment. I need to act more Ino like. "I mean, it's huge but we can make it. Right guys?" I said whilst smiling.

They all nodded at me and we began to walk up the mountain. Just but before we reached the top of Mt.Death we were stopped by two ninja, they were both guys. Hm, maybe I could charm them with Ino's good looks. Lets try it out. I pulled my hair slowly out of the purple bobble I was wearing a wind came and it blew it slowly and gently. I then said in a sexy/cute voice "Hey there boys." I winked at them which made their noses bleed. "Can you let us pass? Pretty, pretty, please." I finished, they instantly leaped to their feet and told us to go straight ahead. I thanked them and tied my hair back up. We then all walked past them. I and Choji were in front of Asuma and Shikamaru by about 1 metre.

"Hey Ino." Choji said to me.

"Huh. Oh Choji. What is it?" I asked and smiled warmly.

"Do you want to go-" Shikamaru walked up to both of us "I mean do you want one of my pocky sticks?" Choji finished.

"Oh. Sure thank you Choji." I replied and smiled happily at him as I took one of his pocky sticks. I get the feeling he was going to ask me something else, but anyway.

We got to the top of Mt.Death and to our surprise there were no people guarding the place. In fact nothing was guarding it except a huge white wolf with huge, glisten, fangs. It looked at us angrily with is evil charcoal black eyes and it roared at us furiously. It roared so loudly that the ground shook and some rocks even fell off the mountain and I fell flat on my butt. "Owww. That was sore." I groaned and got up rubbing my butt. So not Ino like -_-

Choji ran, that's right ran, up to me. "Ino-chan, I mean Ino." Choji started to blush heavily "Are you okay?" he asked me.

I nodded "Yeah I'm fine Choji! Thanks for asking." I replied happily. Choji helped me up to my feet and I hugged him as a thank you. Again he blushed heavily. What's up with that? Why does he keep blushing. I wondered to myself.

"Are you ready squad ten. This is you first official battle so expect everything and don't let you guard down. You got that." Asuma said to us and grabbed two Chakra blades from his pockets. He held one in each hand and got into a battle position. He bolted towards the wolf and dealt several damage to it. He then told us to finish it off.

"My turn now!" I shouted and grabbed the kunai's from my pocket that I had bought earlier on. "Take this you monster!" I shouted and threw one of the kunai's at it. It just simply hit it away with its paw and roared at us again. "Hm, looks like I'm gonna have to strike it with my kunai instead of just simply throwing the kunai at it." I muttered to myself and bolted towards it. I leaped into the air once I got to it. But as I was about to slash it with my kunai it hit me with it's paw causing me to go flying backwards. But, to my surprise, Choji caught me just as I was about to hit the ground.

"Thank you Choji." I said thankfully.

He smiled, as well as blushed, then said "No worries Ino-chan, I mean Ino. It was no problem." he smiled at me warmly. I suddenly saw Shikamaru throw his shuriken at the monster. It hit it directly and killed it. My eyes lit up in amazement, I always thought Shikamaru was cool, but I never knew he could do

"Well done Shikamaru." Asuma Sensei praised him. "Now grab those medical herbs over there and we can head back for the village." Asuma Sensei finished. Shikamaru obeyed him and we all headed back to the village.

At the Hokage Building...


Sorry this took me so long to upload but, finally, I finished it for you to read!

So, ugh, yeah. I hope you enjoyed it!

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