Chapter 3: Idiots always pay.

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                                    Okayyy so here it is chapter 3 of I'm Sasuke's Sister, Hn!

                                                                !Hope ya enjoy it!


                                                                   I'm Sasuke's Sister, Hn

                                                                            Chapter 3

At Ichiraku Ramen,

"Hello Naruto and Sasuke" said some brown heard, black eyed girl, who I asumed worked there. "Oh. Is that your girlfriend Sasuke?" the girl asked. Are you kidding me! Why does everyone think that!

"What. No. She's my sister." Sasuke rolled his eyes obviously annoyed.

"Oh, I apologize Sasuke. Anyway please to meet you I'm Ayame, daughter of Tenchi. He runs this place you know" Ayame told me and smiled warmly, she seemed nice. "Anyway what is your name?" Ayame asked me, she seemed either nosy or just plain curious.

"Me? I'm Mizumi, Mizumi Uchiha. Younger sister of Sasuke Uchiha. I'm 12 and I'm still not a Shinobi yet." I sighed. My stomach rumbled "Oh, and I'm hungry." I said as I held my stomach.

"Oh I see. What would you all like to eat?" Ayame, finally, asked us.

Naruto was right in there "I'll have two bowls, no three bowls of Miso ramen, with extra extra pork!" Naruto shouted.

"Naruto, we don't need you to order for us." I said a little annoyed.

"I didn't order for you guys. Those three bowls of Miso ramen are all for me." My mouth dropped to the ground; shocked.

"Coming right up Naruto!" Ayame shouted cheerfully. "Now you two what would you both like?" she questioned us; as if it was the most important thing in the world.

"I'll have Miso ramen too, but instead of extra pork can you put tomatoes on there?" Sasuke asked, tomatoes? Can you even get that on ramen?

"Of course Sasuke. As for you Mizuki what would you like?" Ayame asked me, getting my name wrong.

"It's Mizu-mi not Mizu-ki." I corrected her " And I would like," I paused and thought for a minute "Chicken Vegetable Ramen please. Thanks." I replied and smiled.

"Oh I apologize for getting your name wrong. I and my father will get started on your orders right away." Ayame replied to us; and with that she walked of to the kitchen. About twenty minutes later Ayame came and gave us our orders. I took my time for two reasons. One I had never tried ramen and two because it was boiling. But as for Naruto as straight as he got his three bowls of Miso ramen, with extra extra pork, he stuffed his face. Oh and guess what happened.

Naruto suddenly screamed "Ahhhhh! This Miso ramen is boiling! I think I've burnt my mouth! Water! I need water!" he panicked. He was seriously getting on my nerves.

"Naruto you idiot! That's why you don't freaking stuff your face before you have gave your food a chance to cool down!" I screeched back at him.

"Wow." Naruto said after he stopped panicking "No need to be so, so, so Sakura-chan about it." he replied to me. Sakura?

"Who in the world is Sakura!? And why are you comparing me to her!" I yelled, thinking that Sakura would be some sort of idiot just like Naruto.

"Well, Sakura-chan is my girlfriend." Naruto replied to me and smiled like a freak. Sasuke choked on his ramen when he heard Naruto.

"What are you going on about loser. Sakura has no interest in you what so ever." Sasuke sighed. "Pathetic." Sasuke rolled his eyes and finished the last of his ramen. Sasuke turned to me "Are you done yet?" He asked me, obviously trying to sound as if he wasn't annoyed.

"Almost." I replied and slurpped up the last of my ramen. What? I wasn't going to act lady like. It's just not me.

"Come on then." Sasuke sighed and took hold of my arm. We began to walk away; leaving Naruto behind.

"Hey!" I heard Naruto shouting. "You're not leaving me to pay for this are you!?" Naruto shouted again. I laughed.

Naruto's P.O.V.

I sighed. I can't believe Sasuke's making me pay for this. Ayame walked up to me and said "That'll be 127.812 yen please." I brought out my green frog wallet. It was all puffed up, there must be money in there I thought to myself. I opened it up and looked inside. There was no money in it.

"Any time today would be nice Naruto." Ayame said to me.

I just stared at her and then yelled "I have no yen!" finiding out that I wasn't able to pay her.

Mizumi's P.O.V.

"Ha, the poor sucker." I laughed, as I heard Naruto screaming.


Okayyy that was chapter 3 of I'm Sasuke's Sister, Hn.

I hoped you liked it!

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