Chapter 2: Hello Hidden Leaf Village!

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Sorry it took me so long to upload but here it finally is Chapter two of I'm Sasuke Sister, Hn.

                                                                 !Enjoy Peoples!


                                                                I'm Sasuke's Sister, Hn

                                                                            Chapter 2

At the Hidden Leaf Village...

"Hey Sasuke." I said to him.

"Yeah, what is it?" Sasuke answered me back.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We're in Konoha, better known as the Hidden Leaf Village." Sasuke replied to me.

"Oh I see. It's a very nice place." I started "But. Why does everyone look at you in sympathy when you walk past them?" I asked.

Sasuke stayed quiet for a minute or so then said with no emotion in his voice "Because. All of our clan were killed be our big brother Itachi. Who I hate and I swear that I will bring death to him." A shocked looked came upon my face.

I smiled at him, but I don't know why and sighed "Hate is a strong word is it not? And death is even worse than hate. Don't you think?" Why does hate and death have to even exist in this world. Hate causes war and war cause death. It's just not a good way to live.

I suddenly saw revenge burn in Sasuke's eyes, as he clenched his fist. "No!" he shouted at me "Hate must exist and so must death. Especially in Itachi's case." Sasuke replied to me calming down slightly.

"But-" I was cut off by Sasuke.

When he said, "Itachi must die. If you were there when he was killing our clan, you would understand how I feel if you had to watch someone dear to you get killed." with anger in his voice.

"I do understand how you feel! I had to watch my foster mum get killed right in front of my very own eyes!" I shouted back at him.

He looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. "I'm sorry Mizuki. I had no idea." Sasuke apologized to me.

I looked down at my toes in shame and sorrow "No, Sasuke's it's fine. I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't of shouted at you like that. So I'm sorry." I apologized back.

"Hey there Sasuke! Wait up!" shouted an energetic looking blond kid.

"Ugh? Who's blondie back there?" I asked.

"Hn, that's just a loser I know. Who is unfortunately in my squad." Sasuke,emotionless, replied to me.

"Oh. I see. Should we wait on him?" I questioned.

Sasuke nodded at me. "I guess so."

About two minutes later the blond haired kid was at us. "Hey there Sasuke." the blond haired kid said.

"What do you want loser?" Sasuke asked.

"Can I borrow some mon-" the blond haired kid stopped for a second, noticing I was walking with Sasuke. "Who's your girlfriend?" the blond haired kid wondered.

"What! She's not my girlfriend Naruto!" Sasuke bellowed furiously at Naruto.

"Then what is she? Your boyfriend? But is he using a jutsu to look like a girl?" Naruto interrogated Sasuke. Wait did he just call me a guy?

My eye twitched "You dumb blond I'm not a guy!" I bawled at him as I left hooked his face. Naruto groaned in pain and mumbled something about me being just as bad as a girl called Sakura.

"Yeah Naruto and I'm not gay." Sasuke growled at him.

Naruto rubbed his face, which seemed to be throbbing in pain, "Then if she's not your boyfriend or your girlfriend. Then what is she?" Naruto questioned Sasuke whilst stroking his imaginary beard.

"Her name is Mizumi Uchiha, and she's my sister." answered Sasuke.

Naruto's dumb expression suddenly changed to a stunned expression. "You, have a sister?" stated Naruto, pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah. He does. What of it?" I announced, in a loud-ish voice, with a complete attitude.

"Nothing. I just wanted to know. So where you heading?" Naruto said completely changing the subject.

"To Ichiraku Ramen." Answered Sasuke to Naruto.

Naruto's eyes lit up with joy "Can I come, can I come please!" Naruto kept repeating himself as if he was a broking down record.

"Hn. I suppose." Sasuke replied to Naruto. Naruto pumped his fist in the air and started yelling with joy.

"Wait." Naruto stopped us from walking "You are paying, right Sasuke?" Naruto finished.

"I suppose. But only because my sister is here too." Sasuke said, actually having to force it out. Naruto jumped up in the air, when he landed on the ground again he started to happy dance. "Ugh. Your such a loser Naruto." Sasuke said, Naruto ignored Sasuke's comment and started to happy dance again. Well, the rest of today should be interesting. I thought to myself, especially with a spaz like Naruto around.


Okay again sorry it's been so long since I updated this story. But I finally have so yeah! I hope you liked it loads!

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