Chapter two: Training with Nii-san!

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Sorry I haven't been uploading, I got my laptop taken off of me. Yeah ¬_¬

Anyway, enjoy chapter two of: Saving Her, Gaara's Soft Spot(I'm shocked that I still remember the title).

This chapter is in Saruki's P.O.V. at the start just so you all know.


                                                     Saving Her, Gaara's Soft Spot

                                                                      Chapter 2 

5 years later, Gaara is now 13 and Saruki is now 12.

"Nii-san, how can I defeat you in a fight, or even hit you with that new jutsu you taught me, if your Sand Shield keeps on blocking my jutsu, weapons and even my kicks and punches!" I complained folding my arms.

"Try and find a way to confuse the Sand from my Gourd. It's been done before. Also, stop calling me Nii-san, your not a little kid anymore." Nii-san replied to me in his normal serious voice.

"I'll try Onee-" I paused "I mean Gaara." I corrected myself.

Gaara rolled his eyes at me, I seemed to annoy him easily. "Now, try and get your jutsu through my sand shield. If you can't do that, then your useless to me as a sister." Gaara said to me almost threatening me. His eyes showed he was being extremely serious. He was harsh on me, but that only seemed to make me stronger.

"I understand Gaara. Wind Style: Wind Strike Blast!" I screamed and made some hand signs. I then put both of my hands out in front of me and a spear made of wind appeared in my hands it was facing right towards Gaara. "I hope your ready for this Gaara." I warned him even though I wasn't too confident about my jutsu. "Take this!" I yelled and shot the wind spear at him.

It sliced straight through his sand sheild, but my aim was off, it didn't even seem to phase him. Did he know that my aim was going to be off I wondered. "Dammit!" I shouted.

"Your aim was off slightly but don't give up that easily. I can tell that your skills are improving." Gaara complimented me.

"I know Gaara but we have been at this all week. I'm never ever going to master this jutsu and we both know it." I replied, doubting myself again.

Gaara's P.O.V.

"I told you not to give up. Just remember I won't phase to kill you." I threatened Saruki. What I had just said was a lie, I would never even think of killing Saruki. Other people yes but not Saruki, for one reason alone; She's not scared of me and because of that I feel as though I have a bond with her.

"But Gaara." Saruki complianed again. "Ugh, fine then. I'll try it once more." she said to me.

"Good, now go." I demanded. 

"Wind Style: Wind Strike Blast!" Saruki yelled once again and made some hand signs. She then put both of my hands out in front of herself and a spear made of wind appeared in her hands it was directed right towards me. "Take this Gaara!" She yelled and shot the wind spear at me. Once again it sliced right through my shield as if it was butter.

Her aim was slightly off again but she did manage to slash into my arm slightly. "Good try Saruki. We will continue training tomorrow." I said to her.

"Okay Gaara." she ran into the house.

I wonder if she will master that jutsu. I wonder when the time will come for me to tell her about the Shukaku inside of me...


That was chapter two of: Saving Her, Gaara's Soft Spot.

I hope you liked it loads! 

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