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Okay, so here's the prologue of 'Once a Snake, Always a Snake'

I hope yah enjoy it!


But first the Disclaimer!: I do not own Naruto nor any of the characters, but I do, of course own Shaneaka(Sha-nee-ka) Tratoa(Tra-toe-a). She is completely my own made up character!

Now that that's finished here it is!


                                                      Once a Snake, Always a Snake


I remember that day quite clearly, the day my entire family was struck down dead by an amber eyed murderer...I was only six at the time and I had just arrived back from the Flowery Fields.

I entered the broad purple arch way to the small part of land my Clan lived on. I was welcomed by the shrieking of a familiar voice "Please, don't kill me! I have a child! She needs me in her life!" it was the voice of my mother. What was going on? Who was she speaking to? Why was she begging? I pondered at the time, I did not assume the worst had happened. I continued on walking, I felt something wet on my feet. I glared down at the red substance. It was blood! Fresh blood!

I gasped in terror at the sight of it, blood wasn't, and still isn't, exactly my strong point. So many horrible thoughts were running through my mind. I ventured deeper into my village, more and more blood had appeared, and even worse I had noticed bodies, cold, dead, lifeless bodies. My eyes widened in shock, my facial expression showed sheer terror.

The ground of my clan's village had dead bodies scattered everywhere, all were different, and all I recognized, even though their blood, cuts, slashes and bruises made it difficult. I tried to ignore every single one of the bodies, but I found it almost impossible. I eventually arrived at where my mum was lying almost completely dead. Her last words she said to me were "Run darling. Run away and never look back." she struggled to speak and with that, she was dead.

Warm salty tears took over my eyes like a running river, "Mummy, mummy? No mummy, you can't be dead." I said quietly; tears streamed down my face and hit the cold ground I kneeled upon.

"Hello little girl." I was started by the sudden manly voice. "Do you like what I did to your clan." he spoke again, I turned around to him. His deadly, snake like, amber eyes met my soft, tear filled, apricot eyes.

"No!" I screeched at him in my sweet little voice. "I hate you! You big meanie!" I yelled, I ran towards him and started punching his stomach, which I doubt hurt him at all, considering my lack of strength back then.

"I must be off little one." the man hissed at me, and suddenly vanished.

"I hate you!" I screamed as he disappeared. For the rest of the night I just sat by my mothers side crying.

I shortly awoke the next morning still by my mothers side, "No, I thought I only had a bad dream." I mumbled sadly.

"Young lady." I heard a boy's voice. I turned to him, he had silver hair and black glasses.

"Who are you?" I asked in a sad tone of voice.

"I'm Kabuto." the silver haired boy smiled at me. A man then appeared by his side, he had long black hair and yellow, almost amber eyes, with purple around them. "And this man here is Orochimaru. We are here to get you, so you can come live with us." Kabuto said to me and smiled again.

"So your, Ka-bu-to and your Oreo-Ooroo-Orochimaru. Right?" I replied.

"That's correct young lady." Kabuto said to me and beamed brightly.

"Come on, Kabuto." Orochimaru almost seemed to hiss. "Grab the little girl and let's get going." Orochimaru finished as he turned his back.

Kabuto nodded, "Yes sir Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto picked me up bridal style and we transported to a dark, dusty underground cave...

From that day on I thought of Kabuto as my brother and Orochimaru as my father in a way.


Okay so that was the prologue of........'Once a Snake, Always a Snake'

I hope it's not too long for a prologue.

I also hope you enjoyed it, to me this story is pretty fun to write.

Oh and it will get less depressing, I promise, but maybe not too soon. He he he!

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