Crack on the Road

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Aria POV:

I hear my door slowly creak open. My eyes slowly open, and I see my younger sister sneaking into my room. I pretended to go back to sleep, already knowing what she was going to do. She jumps on top of me. I groan, "Arctic Angel, let me get back to sleep! Pretty please!" I say and roll onto my back. "But Ari, the sun's awake so.." I launch up and grab her.

She shrieks and laughs as I tickle her sides. "I told you. If you woke me up again I would unleash the tickle monster!" I say, as she laughs and kicks her legs trying to make me let her go. I stop and take a breath. "You know Arctic Angel, I love you," I say and kiss her nose.

"I love you more! I win," She shouts and points a finger at me. I smile and roll my eyes jokingly. "Fine! I guess you win, this time," I said, giving her the win. "Yay! I win! I win! I'm the best!" She shouts in my face.

I laugh, "Yeah, kiddo. You win," I say and get up. "race you downstairs," I shout and run down. I heard her shout that I wasn't playing fair, but I laughed it off. As I made it down the stairs, my dad grabbed my waist. He laughs and he lifts me over his shoulder.

"I know you guys don't like listening to the rules," He said, walking to the kitchen and giving my mom a peck on the lips while my sister groaned and covered her eyes. "The one about running and stairs is very important," He says and sets me down on a random seat.

"I know, I know, I shouldn't...But guess who is 18 today?" I ask looking up at him. He puts his finger on his chin and then shakes his head. "Nope! I don't think anyone turns 18 today. Not one soul," He said, and went to help my mom bring the plates of food to the table.

"Daad," I say, rolling my eyes. "Nope! Not one soul has turned 18. I have a little girl who is 17. My son who is 15, and my youngest who is 10. Not one is 18. Try again, next year," He says and I stand up and kiss his forehead.

"Well, Dad. I'm 18. I can vote, and pay taxes, and...I don't know what else but who cares. I am the big one eight," I say, grabbing a pancake and a piece of bacon.  "Anyway, I have to go. I have plans with Matt and Liz and if I am late. They will kill me," I say, and take a bite of bacon.

"Ok, remember later this week we will go and get you your debit card and open all of your banking accounts and everything," My mom says and kisses my cheek. "Wow, look at you. You are so big. I can remember it like it was yesterday," My mom whispers.

"Ma, you gonna make me cry," I say, wiping a tear away. "Oh, don't cry baby. I will see you soon," She says and kisses my cheek. "Hey, Ari. Happy B-day," Oliver said. "Thanks, baby-bro," I said and ruffled his hair.  "Bye, Olly. Bye Arctic Angel. I love you, dad. I will still be your little one at heart, bye mama," I said and walked out with my car keys.

I went to my car and turned it on. I smiled and pulled out of the driveway. I hit a button and it asks me who should I call.

"Call Lizzie," I say, and the car, which I had nicknamed, 'beautiful'. Said, "Calling Lizzie,"

Itlicas Lizzie

Bold Aria

'Hey, where are you?'

'I'm heading up there now. We are still meeting up at B&N, right?'

'Yes, now hurry up we have a surprise'

'Alright, alright, hang up for me,'

'Gotcha, love ya'

"Phone call has ended. Would you like to make another?" Beautiful asked. "No, thanks," I said and kept driving to Barnes & Noble.

~35 Minutes Later~

I find a parking spot fairly close to the building. That should have been my first clue. I noticed something. Something in the corner of my eye. I chuckled to myself, The Doctor. He/She/Them/The Doctor was almost always saving me. From myself or other dangers in the world.

I notice a white crack in the road. I tried to be careful, I remember what happened to Rory in Cold Blood, but I coulda swear that there was something wrong with this one crack. Something was different. Maybe, just maybe if I get close enough I can figure out what.

Whispers! It was whispered! I slowly look at it, and then I hear car wheels squeal behind me. I turn around and gasp. I trip over my own feet. Fuck me! I just fell back and coulda swear I heard someone say, It will be ok but I could be wrong and suddenly I am free falling.

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