1 year before Rose, the episode

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Aria POV:

"Miss? Miss? Excuse me, Miss?" I slowly blink my eyes open I fling up. "Woah, woah, miss. Are you ok?" I hear a familiar voice ask. "Hmm, Mickey?" I asked. "How'd, how'd you know my name?" He asked as my eyes fully opened, my sister hadn't left the TV on. I was there with the real Mickey Smith. His actor, Noel Clarke, but I could separate the actor from the character, because if you don't then you can never enjoy anything.

"Umm, umm, I was dreaming about something, and the name Mickey just popped up. Must've been a coincidence," I say smiling. He chuckled, and nodded. "What are you doing in the middle of the street? Especially, in this weather," He asked, I looked around and realized it was snowing.

"must've slipped. I'm Aria, I guess your Mickey?" I said, and reached my hand out and he helped me stand up. "Yep! that's me. Mickey Smith," He said, a smile on his face. "Umm, do you know where the nearest hotel is?" I asked him, my teeth where slightly chattering, my I felt very cold.

"Yeah, I can take you there if you like. Do you want my coat?" He asked, I was slightly shocked. This Mickey was supposed to...well slightly dickish, until later where he got better. "Th-hank y-you" I say, and he smiles at me and takes of his coat and gives it to me.

He takes me to the hotel and I hand him his coat. I look up at the hotel, then tilt my head back slightly. I let snowflakes, fall on my face and smile to myself. I was in Doctor Who. I sighed, I need to figure what year it is and I already know which Doctor. The 9th Doctor, he can hopefully help me get back home.

I hear trash cans rattle behind me. I scream and cover my mouth quickly, and another one hand over my heart. "Bloodly hell, you scared me," I said, moving my hand away from my mouth. I heard a chuckle and then a groan. "Are you ok?" I asked, reaching a hand out and taking two steps toward how ever it was.

"I'm fine. I'm good, amazing, fantastic!" He says and I chuckle. "You remind me of someone," I say, thinking about the Doctor. "Oh, yeah. Who?" He asked. "I can't say," I say, and a gust of wind rushs past me. I whimper due to the cold wind and my outfit was not helping.

"You should get inside, 'fore you get sick or something," He says "Alright, be safe out there. His name is John," I say and head in. "Hi! Can I get a room for one?" I asked the receptionist. She smiled and nodded.

~In her Hotel Room~

I kicked off my shoes and lay on my, the bed. I curled to my side and cried. What was going on? Why am I here? Why me? After a few minutes, I fell asleep. My eyes were stinging and by falling asleep I mean fainted due to having no more tears.

~The Next Day~

I sat up and showered quickly and left. 'Alright. I need a job, and an apartment, and I need to find the Doctor. I can do that. Anyone, who is anyone can do that' I think to myself and walk around. Suddenly, someone runs past me, he pushes me slightly and I hit a bulletin board with job opportunities all over it. I turn around to face the mystery man but all I see is a long black cloak.

"Ok, well that solved problem number one, but what about an apartment?" I whisper to myself and look over the bulletin board. "Excuse me," I hear someone say and reach over and grab a paper off the bulletin board. I turn around quickly, "River? Wait, d'ya know me?" I asked, my words slightly slurred and she smiles. "Of course, I know you. Sweetie, first time here. You're looking for your apartment, right?" She asks and I hug her and sigh. She hugs me back and I nod.

"You'll find the Doctor and have an amazing...no epic adventure," She says, and I nod. She hands me the paper she had gotten, "Good luck, sweetie," She said and kissed my forehead before disappearing.

'Just one Year. One Year. Come on, Aria, you can do this' I said and left to go get a job and an apartment.

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