The Deal

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I hear the TARDIS whooshing sound. "Listen, if you're here to mind wipe me, at least let me say goodbye,"  I say, turning around to face him.

"You know everything that may happen, right?" he asks me.

"Yes," I reply solemnly.

"Well, I can't leave you here on your own..." he trails off.

I nod and set down my glass of OJ, feeling the weight of his words settle over me. I gaze out the window, gathering my thoughts. "The only reason why I went looking for you was to find a way back to my family... that's all I want. I promise, I swear, I won't interfere at all," I plead with him, desperation creeping into my voice.

"Come with me," he says softly. I look up, shocked. "Really?" I ask, my voice trembling with disbelief.

"Well, I can't leave you unattended. So, come with me and Rose," he confirms, and I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug.

"I swear I won't do anything bad," I mumble into his shoulder as he tense up at the hug. He gently pets my hair and then gestures for me to step into the TARDIS.

"But we need rules. A deal of sorts," He says and walks to the the Tardis and I smile. "Oh, don't worry. I have something! I made this.... i don't really know when, but I did make it. Here ya, go," I say, and pull out a piece of paper that had all of the information on it:

The Deal:

I, Aria Mae Wells, hereby enter into the following agreement with the Doctor:

What the Deal Involves:

I will provide the Doctor with strategic insights or warnings about future threats or events that could endanger the fabric of time and space. In exchange, the Doctor agrees to mentor me, helping me hone my abilities and navigate the ethical dilemmas that come with foreknowledge. We will work together to preserve the timeline while also seeking to prevent unnecessary harm or suffering.

Consequences of Breaking the Deal:

If I were to break this deal by using my foreknowledge recklessly or altering key events without the Doctor's consent, I risk destabilizing the timeline and causing potentially catastrophic consequences. The Doctor would likely revoke our agreement, severing our partnership and leaving me to face the consequences of my actions alone.

Rules I Must Follow:

I must use my knowledge judiciously, prioritizing the preservation of the timeline above personal desires or impulses. I must seek the Doctor's guidance and approval before taking any significant actions that could alter the course of history. I must also maintain secrecy about my foreknowledge and our partnership, avoiding unnecessary disruptions to the natural flow of time.

Consequences of Altering Events:

If I were to alter an event without proper authorization or justification, I would risk creating temporal paradoxes, alternate timelines, or unintended consequences that could threaten the stability of reality. The Doctor would hold me accountable for my actions, and I would likely face repercussions ranging from personal guilt to potential disciplinary measures from temporal authorities.

Rules Regarding Romantic Life:

My romantic life would be subject to the same rules and guidelines as my other actions involving time travel. I must refrain from using my foreknowledge to manipulate or influence romantic relationships, respecting the autonomy and free will of others. I must prioritize the preservation of the timeline over personal romantic interests, understanding that altering romantic events could have far-reaching consequences.

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