The Unquiet Dead PT.1

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Guess who graduated from High School? Me! I finally finished and I'm so proud of myself. I will be starting college in August and my schedule is pretty chill, so hopefully I'll be doing more writing! #classof2024


*The Tardis is in a rather jerky flight*

"Hold that one down!" The Doctor screamed at us. "We are trying to!" I screamed back at him. "I'm holding this one down," Rose shouted back.

"Well, hold them all four of them down," The doctor screamed at them. "It's not going to work," Rose shouted. I stretched across and pushed a button down with my pinkie.

"Oi! I promised you a time machine and that's what you're getting. Now, that you've seen the future, let's have a look at the past. 1860. How does 1860 sound?" The Doctor asks us, ignoring us.

"What happened in 1860?" Rose asked, and I looked away. "I don't know, let's find out. Hold on, here we go!" The Doctor says, ignoring me.

*The Tardis materializes at the end of a snowy street. The Doctor, Aria Wells, and Rose are lying on the floor. It must have been a rough landing*

"Blimey!" Rose says, with a smile. I laugh and look over at the Doctor. "Did ya fail your test or something?" I asked and he frowned at me.

"You telling me. Are you up two all right?" He asks us and nod my head. "I'm just peachy," I said, with a smirk. "Yeah. I think so. Nothing broken. Did we make it? Where are we?" Rose asked, looking at him.

"I did it. Give the man a medal. Earth, Naples, December 24th, 1860," The Doctor said and I covered my mouth as I laughed. "Yeah, sure..." I said, smirking, and walked away to the back and tried to find a dress.

"Hey, beautiful. Can you help me find the closet?" I asked and she led me to a door. I slowly turn the doorknob and walk in. "Wow, is this communal?" I asked and she bleeped to me 'No'.

"Holy shit! So, this is mine?" I asked and she bleeped to me 'yes'. I looked around and pulled a couple of dresses but none of them looked right. "hey, beautiful? what should I choose?" I asked and she shined a light on a dress.

The Doctor is working under the console when Rose returns, appropriately coiffed and attired for 1860

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The Doctor is working under the console when Rose returns, appropriately coiffed and attired for 1860. Aria is doing her hair and comes out after. The Doctor looks up when he hears her clear her throat. "Wow..." He said staring at her. Aria smiles and looks away.

 Aria smiles and looks away

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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