The End of the World

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Inside the Tardis, Aria looks around in slight awe. "She beautiful," Aria says, slowly approaching the time rotor. The Doctor smiles widely. "She is, isn't she," He asks, looking at Aria. "Yeah, yeah she is," Aria says smilies and rubbing the console. Aria looks at the roof and spins around. She doesn't notice Rose smiling at the two of them. There is a slight green light on her.

"Right, Rose, tell us

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"Right, Rose, tell us. When do you want to go? Back or forwards in time. I mean, imagine that, all of time and space at your fingertips, and you get to decide where we go first!" Aria says a smirk on her lips. She turns around to face, her, and Rose smiles widely at her and puts a finger on her chin.

"Forwards," She says, excited. "You heard her, Doc! The lady wants to go forward!" Aria says, a smile on her face. She exactly what was going on, but she was here, and she dealt with the Doctor. She was safe, she was going home.

"How far?" The Doctor asks Rose, but his eyes are on Aria. "One hundred years," Rose says, smirking at the Doctor. The Doctor flips some switches and moves some dials. and a few seconds of travel. "There you go. Step outside those doors, it's the 22nd century," The Doctor says to Rose, while Aria grabs a screen and with the Tardis' help can catch a glimpse of the outside.

She more or less ignores them. Right, now she was trying to figure out how to deal with Casandra and save Jabe and the others. Cassandra was greedy and a tragic figure of sorts. Aria thinks to herself while the Doctor and Rose bond.

Cassandra let herself be consumed by her obsession with youth and beauty yet unable to escape the inevitability of her decay. I guess I understand the pain of being isolated, but not like her. She was isolated and disconnected from humanity. "She seems...lonely" Aria says, softly out loud, only the Tardis had picked it up.

"Where are we? What's out there?" Rose asked and headed for the doors. The Doctor walked over to where Aria was. "Are you ok?" He asked her. Aria looked up, "Yeah, it's just...When you know the things I do and you can do the thing I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you," Aria said, looking away.

The Doctor's expression softened as he listened to Aria's words, his brow furrowing with concern. "No, what ifs-" He starts but we are both interrupted by the Tardis, flashing a light, and opening the door. Aria takes a step back and walks out leaving the Doctor alone.

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Aria heads to where Rose is as a large shutter in the wall descends to reveal an orbital view of the Earth. Aria gasps and brushes her fingers on the glass, she closes her breath, slightly fogging it up, while Rose is more cautious.

"You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive. This is the year five point five slash apple slash twenty-six. Five billion years in your future, and this is the day-" He says, and looks at his wristwatch, "Hold on," He says, and the sun flares and turns red. "This is the day the Sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world," He says, a smile on his face, he looks like a smiling proud German Shepard.

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