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{Aria's Flat and her POV}:

My eyes opened and I stretched my back arching. "Hmm," I whimper and look over at the clock. '4:20 am'

"Even here, I can't sleep in can I?" I ask myself and get up and shower. I open up my laptop and sign into my classroom. I was taking an online course for a BA in Criminal Justice, because why not?

Eventually, my work alarm went off and I got ready. I did my hair and couldn't wait to meet the Doctor. What do you even say to a man like that? Especially, the 9th one. I shake my head and leave making sure to lock my apartment.

I take the bus to Central London and get off outside the department store

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I take the bus to Central London and get off outside the department store. "Hey, Rosie," I said, and she smiled at me. "You look so pretty," Rose said, "thanks! How's Mickey Mouse?" She laughs, "He's fine," She says and I head in.

The day passes. I deal with 'Karens', I go and deal with inventory, and pricing, usually correcting it. I meet with River and she shares a snack with me and tells me to be patient.

Finally, I make the announcement. "This is a customer announcement. The store will be closing in five minutes. Thank you," I say in my most pleasant voice. Then I think to myself. Wait, is...could this be the day?

I notice Rose and a group of girls headed to the main doors when the guard shakes his plastic bag in front of Rose.

"Oi!" The guard shouts. I walk over, "I can take it," I say and take the bag. "Really?" Rose asks me. "Yeah, besides, who doesn't need a little OT? Head home, Tyler," I say and walk to the lot and go down to the basement. This has to be it.

"Wilson? Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson, are you there?" I shouted, but I already knew his fate. A door with a large danger of electric shock sign also claims to be the office of HP Wilson, CEO.

"Wilson, come on. We both know you don't like OT," I shout out and hear a clattering noise further down the corridor. 'It's starting. Well, started,' I think to myself. "Who's there?" I asked. I open the door to a store room and turn on the lights. There are boxes of clothes and dressed dummies.

"I genuinely, don't understand," I admit looking around. I slowly walk in and the door slams behind me. "Shit!" I screamed and covered my mouth and put a hand on my heart. I hear more noises in front of me. "Alright, who's there? Seriously, you won't be in trouble but you can't be here," I say. "Here's a homeless shelter down the block, if you need it. But you can't stay here, not only I will get in trouble but so will you," I say, looking around.

Suddenly, a male shop dummy turns around and just looks at me, then it slowly approaches. 'Wow, it is much more terrifying in real life,' I think to myself.

"Wh-what are...what are you?" I asked, pretending to be afraid. A second one starts moving and then a third. "What the actual going on?" I asked, and more of the shop dummies started moving as I kept backing away down to the storage area.

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