Opportunity || Gwen Stacy

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"Day after day I'm hurting, but I choose to stay this way"

-Hell You Call a Dream, The Warning

As Gwen swung through the city faster than she ever had, the one thing on her mind was how much sense it made that Otto would be at her college.

They'd shut Columbia University down in response to the ongoing battle against Oscorp, leaving a wealth of scientific equipment at the labs on campus... a spot that would basically be right under Gwen's nose, somewhere that she wouldn't even be thinking to look for him.

Every time she yanked on the webbing to pull herself closer to Columbia, Gwen would curse herself for not thinking about searching here sooner... her negligence had given Otto a month to plan and prepare for whatever he was cooking up next on his nonsensical quest to resurrect the dead.

Don't mock him- the symbiote came to Otto's defense in Gwen's mind, and she winced as she felt something bearing into her brain to make her submit. -He is the greatest mind in the city... and he will succeed in his endeavor.

Gwen didn't even know what to think of the symbiote anymore... here it was, leading her straight into a fight to the death with Otto Octavius, and simultaneously claiming that Otto would inevitably find a way to resurrect the dead. It couldn't be a trap to get her killed... she could feel the symbiote's eagerness to be set free, to let loose and exert its full power in the moment. There was no way Otto was going to be able to stand up to her.

The familiar buildings of Columbia were close now, shadows crossing over them as the sun began its descent towards the west. Gwen spotted the lab and fired a web at it immediately before giving a mighty heave to pull herself to it.

She stuck to the wall, feeling her breathing grow faster and faster as the adrenaline kicked in. Gwen scampered down the side of the wall, racing on all fours like a hungry predator going in for the kill before she dropped to the ground and yanked the front door open.

Most of the lights were off, but Gwen could hear noise deeper inside the building... she walked towards the sounds, eventually getting led to one of the labs towards the back of the building. The sounds of muttering and mechanical whirring were clear now, and Gwen knew what to expect as she stepped inside the lab.

Otto was inside, scribbling mindlessly on a clipboard as his metal arms worked on their own, lifting up equipment and plating before placing it on a larger construct in front of Otto.

Another fusion reactor... Gwen thought, her eyes lingering on the incomplete structure for a moment. ...Just as we expected.

While Otto was still mumbling to himself and working fast to get the fusion reactor built, Gwen let out a short, sharp whistle to get his attention. The scientist spun on his heels, and the four metal arms stopped what they were doing before aiming their claws at Gwen.

Otto actually seemed surprised to see her. "Gwen...?" He said, sounding calm yet curious at first. But a few moments of silent reflection led to his lip twitching, and he took a slow step backwards away from his former protégé.

"You're still at it with this thing?" Gwen asked bluntly, nodding her head at the unfinished reactor. Her arms folded over her chest, her entire body language showing impatience and annoyance as Otto was left stammering.

"I... I-I..." He seemed completely off-guard, and looked between the reactor and Gwen multiple times. Gwen continued to stare coldly at him, and the scientist sighed softly. "...What are you here for?" He asked. "Are you... wanting to pick up where we left off on this?"

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