Chapter 35

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I screamed as another contraction hit. Something was wrong, I could tell. Reid stood next to my head, not even holding my hand as I struggled. Dr. Green's face was pale as he and the nurse worked to get my feet secured in the stirrups.

"I need you to stop pushing for a moment, dear," he said quietly.

"What's going on," I gulped down a sob. "Something's wrong, isn't it?" I could feel myself beginning to panic and looked up at Reid.

He gave me a look that made my insides crawl, as he smiled, "Things happen, Gracie. We just have to see." What the hell was that supposed to mean?

A sharp jolt shook my body as I heard a voice outside the room speaking loudly, 

"From binding chains and webs unseen,

Release the spirit, pure and clean.

Echoes of air and light's embrace,

Bring forth clarity, leave no trace."

I knew that voice...why do I know that voice? "Gra, Gray?" Dr. Green sputtered, his green eyes blinking rapidly. "Oh shit, Gray! I need you to breathe deep and focus. This little guy's coming out breech."

"Sean?" Before he could answer, another pain filled me as the contraction made me scream. Please, please, please, I want them here. I need Silas - I thought to myself.

Near my head, Reid growled, "How the fuck?" The next thing I knew, the door slammed open and Kota's voice boomed as he crumbled something within his hands. It was the Belladonna blossoms. They began to burn and hiss as they struck the floor.

"Spirits, heed this call I make,

For mind's liberation, now awake.

As I speak this ancient plea,

May the mind be boundless, wild, and free."

He looked Reid in the eyes, his voice harsh, "You have no power here now. Leave her alone!"

"Gray!" Silas yelled as he pushed through and knelt next to me, grasping my hand. "I'm here, i psychí mou. You're doing so well." He brushed my hair back as I cringed. "Sean?"

"He's breech. I need her to push gently." Sean replied. My eyes watered as I realized they were all here now. Each of them was crammed into the small triage room, encouraging me, loving me.

"Is her water fully broken?" Luke asked, coming closer to the bed. Sean shook his head no. "Silas, we can use our magic to help him turn. Amniotic fluid isn't much different from water."

Silas locked his dark eyes on me. "What do you want us to do, love?"

I squeezed his hand, "Save our son." Silas and Luke exchanged a brief, intense glance before stepping back. Their hands lifted, fingers spreading as the air thickened with the hum of their magic. I could feel the shift immediately—the energy stirring around us, filling the room like a cool, gentle breeze. It danced along my skin, making my heart race faster.

Sean's eyes flicked between me and the monitors, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Easy, now. Just a little more," he instructed, his voice calm but commanding. The pressure in my abdomen intensified, and I gripped the bed, trying to breathe through the discomfort. Silas, noticing my struggle, was immediately at my side again. His hand was firm around mine, grounding me.

"We've got you, Gray," he whispered, his breath warm against my temple. "Just focus on breathing. We're here. All of us."

Luke closed his eyes, his hands glowing faintly as the magic continued to flow from him and Silas. I could feel the subtle shift inside me, like a gentle nudge. The discomfort lessened for a brief moment, and Sean's voice cut through the haze. "That's it—he's turning," Sean said, a note of relief in his voice. "Good. Good, Gray, you're doing great." Tears blurred my vision, but I wasn't sure if it was from the overwhelming pain or the overwhelming love that filled the room. All I knew was that we were so close. So close to meeting him. "Almost there," Sean encouraged. "One more push, Gray. Gentle."

I nodded, my body trembling with the effort as I bore down once more, Silas' hand never leaving mine. The magic in the room seemed to pulse in time with my heartbeat, guiding, helping. I could feel him, our son, finally moving into the right position. Sean's expression shifted into something between relief and concentration. "Got him," he whispered, a smile forming. "He's coming."

Silas kissed my forehead again, his lips lingering. "You're incredible," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. With one final push, there was a sudden release of pressure, followed by the sweetest sound I'd ever heard—a baby's cry. Our son's cry.

"He's here," Sean announced, holding the tiny, wriggling form up for us to see. My breath caught as I looked at him, our son, perfect in every way.

Tears spilled freely down my cheeks as Silas leaned over, his hand brushing our son's soft, damp hair. "Welcome, little one," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart.

Luke stepped forward, placing a hand on Silas' shoulder, his own eyes shimmering with pride. "You did it," he said softly, and I could see the joy in both of them, radiating like sunlight. Sean gently placed our son in my arms, his cries quieting as he nestled into my chest. I gazed down at him, overwhelmed with love. Silas knelt beside me, his hand covering mine as we both stared at our son in awe.

"He's perfect," I whispered, my voice breaking.

Silas nodded, his eyes full of emotion. "Just like his mother."


I stood outside the door watching them fawn over the brat. "Didn't quite turn out how you planned, now did it?"

I spun around coming face to face with Nikolai. "You said they wouldn't be able to remember," I scoffed, "Clearly you were wrong!"

Faster than I could react, he grabbed my throat, lifted me off the ground, and growled, "Are you saying this is my fault? I've kept this ruse going for hundreds of years, trapped thousands of souls, yet in less than a few days you managed to fuck it all up!" I clawed at his hand helplessly, feeling the darkness dim my vision. "Ungrateful, pathetic, creature. Let's see how you enjoy eternity in a time loop." The last thing I remember was my body slamming into the concrete wall and hearing my bones snap. 

Author's Notes:  So, the baby is here, but they're still in the spell.  What to do...what to do?

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