01 - When our eyes met

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"You may take your leave now " The prince announced as his trusted guard quickly bowed his head and took his leave. The young prince just sighed as he looked at his suit which was kept on the bed for him.

He stared out side the window, at the moon which shone brightly in the sky night. He related himself a lot with the moon because no matter how beautiful they are people just see them as someone who shine by someone else's shine. The craters as their flaws which made them look even more beautiful.

His red hair were blowing gently because of the cool breeze.

Everyone wanted to marry him, many proposals came as they found out that the prince was finally at the age of marriage. But can you blame them? He is known all over the glove for his ethereal beauty. There is no one who can compete him in terms of beauty and power. He wasn't just beautiful and handsome, he also had sword fighting skills and many more.

Finally he was getting married to the prince of the water kingdom who soon will be the king.

Everyone says that it's destiny and the God himself who created their bond because of their symbols fire and water. He was the prince of the fire kingdom.
His elder brother Prince Jay was already married to the prince of the earth Kingdom Prince Jungwon while his Younger brother Prince Riki was still young.

"Royal highness " He heard the familiar voice and immediately turned his back."what is it riki? " The prince spoke, his voice seemed tired as he stared at the younger male in front of him. "Prince Jay was calling for you " He said as he stared at the prince who groaned a little.

"You will be fine hyung " Riki spoke as he approached the male who sighed and held riki's hands. "I'm scared riki, I don't wanna go to other kingdom " His eyes seemed glossy as riki just sighed as he hugged his elder brother.

"It will be okay hyung, the water kingdom has always been allies with us and it was always destined for you to marry the prince " Riki consoled the elder male who still seemed hesitating.

"It's fine hyung it's all right they will come tomorrow so you take rest okay? I heard the prince is really handsome and talented but of course you are the best " The prince laughed at his brother's remark making the younger prince smile a bit.

"Just sleep okay? I'll talk to Jay hyung and tell him you were already asleep " The younger prince said and the elder just nodded. Soon he was again left alone in his room but it was comforting.

He slowly drifted to sleep as he knew he needed it cause tomorrow is gonna be a big and long day.

"It's alright don't be nervous hyung " Riki consoler his brother as the two males sat on their thrones near the ones of the king, queen and the crown prince. Crown prince Jay was already there as he stared and comforted his younger brother by his soft gaze.

Soon enough they all stood up and bowed when The king and the Queen entered the big hall. "Oh my child looks so pretty " The queen spoke as she praised her son who smiled in return.

He wore a white and red colored suit along with a black vest on his waist. His bit long red hair were styled very nearly as a crown was placed on his head, though it was smaller then the one the crown prince had but it was still really pretty as it was decorated in Jewels. The long boots were covered till his knees. His red eyes shone brightly.

Soon the hall was filled with loud cheers and voice of the crowd could be heard. Though The prince felt really nervous he didn't let it show on his face, his face and body just showed his confidence.

They all stood up as they saw the Royal Family of the water kingdom enter the hall with glory. The prince looked at them in awe as he saw the blue and white clothes of the Royal Family. The aura the Royal Family had was on another level.

Their faces were full of confidence as they walked with boldness. The prince looked at each of them as they stood up for their flawless features. The prince immediately recognised his dear friend, Sunghoon, the second eldest son and sunoo the youngest son of the Royal Family.

Once their eyes met he saw how Sunghoon's eyes softened a bit and a spark of happiness was there. The prince couldn't be more happy, he looked back at the Royal family and this time his eyes went to the male on the left side of Sunghoon.

Oh Lord, his eyes widened a bit as he stared at the most perfect man he ever saw. His long wine colored hair which failed to cover his deep blue eyes. Those long legs and the flawless looks of the male. The fair skin with the bold expression and the dark naturally heart shaped pink lips, The prince knew it was his soon to be husband.

He was taken back when suddenly the prince looked in his direction. He noticed how the other male widened his eyes a bit and stared at him. The red haired quickly looked away as the now two Royal families were meeting each other.

He noticed how the two kings were smiling to each other and so were the queen. Though fire and water are two opposite symbols but the two formed the strangest allies with each other. The two kingdoms were really close to each other since forever.

"My god Royal Highness Jaeyun you look really beautiful son " The queen of the water kingdom kissed the prince's forehead who smile gently. "Honor to have you here your Highness " Jaeyun politely replied making both the Royal families smile gently.

"Lucky there you Prince Heeseung " Sunghoon joked as he looked at his brother who smiled fondly in return and glanced over at Jaeyun who looked back at him.

Though Sunghoon and Jaeyun were really close to each other, prince heeseung and prince Jaeyun rarely talked to each other, both the crown princes Jay and Heeseung were close to each other.

"The Royal Family should take a rest for now, you all must be really tired after the travelling. Let's meet again at the evening and talk about the marriage " The fire king spoke and all the royals could just agree to it.

Soon Both the crown princes of the kingdoms were engaged in their talking while sunghoon and Jaeyun talked for a bit too, before sunghoon left because he was feeling exhausted.

Soon the hall was empty and the young prince walked through the hallway to reach his room.

He was lost in his thoughts, the image of his soon to be husband roamed all over his mind as bite his lips a bit. He didn't noticed the presence of another male behind him. He was taken back when suddenly a male came next to him and Unfortunately lost his balance a bit.

He closed his eyes but felt two firm hands on his waist as he was pulled closer to the body.

"Careful there Royal Highness "


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