31 - When A Evil Life Ends

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Heeseung smiled as he read through the letter which was held in his hand. The beautiful handwriting which he could just admire as he traced the border with his fingers. The fifteen year old giggled and hide his face in the pillow while swinging his legs.

"Why is he so cute" He shouted while burying his face in the pillow making his sounds come muffled.

The smile never left his face as he looked up at the letter and kissed it continuously before feeling reality kick in as he felt embarrassed due to his love sick nature for the younger Prince of Fire.

Heeseung changed his position as he now folder his arms under his head while staring straight at his ceiling. "He just makes me so whipped for him without even his presence, god I love him so much" Heeseung let out a chuckle as he hugged the letter close to his chest which had a specific address of the person on it.

~ With Love, Pretty Jaeyun

Yeah the prettiest for Heeseung.

"Greetings to you Royal Highness, His Majesty ordered everyone to be present in the Royal chamber for some important talk" The gaurd announced before taking his leave when granted by the crown prince.

The 20 year old scrunched his nose as he felt tiredness in his boy. Why does father wants to meet me anyways? He thought and groaned. He was already too tired because of tje practices he did today and the only thing he wanted right now was his soft mattress on which he wanted to lay on so bad and drift in his slumber.

He made his way towards the Royal chamber while immediately covering his face with with no expression and his usual strict aura. The door of the Royal chamber opened as Heeseung bowed down to his parents who smile at him.

"Good to see you here Prince, just wait for your brothers so that we can start the conversation" The Queen spoke and Heeseung nodded as he sat on his designated thrown while waiting for his brothers. Soon enough the princes were there as they quickly greeted the royals and sat on their places.

"Is there something important task His Majesty?" Heeseung questioned as he indicated the late time they were called but the king just shook his head. "Don't worry Royal highness we all are safe and sound and their is no harm from our enemies at the moment too" He clarified making the younger Prince look at him in Confusion.

"Then what happened your Majesty? " Prince Sunghoon questioned as The King pulled out a scroll in response. Heeseung's eyes sparkled ad he noticed the familiar symbol of the Fire kingdom. "It's from the Fires, they sent something really important and special"

"What is it majesty? " Heeseung asked as patience was just drowning out of his body. "It's about Prince Jaeyun, highnes" The Queen spoke and Heeseung's heart fluttered at the mention of the younger as he looked Curiously at his parents.

The Queen smiled widely before remarking. "Prince Jaeyun finally has entered the phase of mating in his life, the prince is now on the age to get married and his birth star had finally glowed bright making his marriage stage start, The Kingdom Of Fire informed us about it and We are planning to finally get you both Married"

Heeseung smiled widely at the information, so widely that his cheeks hurted for a few seconds. "So we wanted to ask if we should say yes if you are ready" The King continued and heeseung was really fast to reply.

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