11 - Sunset And Hugs

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The ride was Tolerating as both the princes rode their horses along with the gaurds following them and some already ahead of them. The gaurds were told to be little distanced from them, from both front and behind because of how the couple wanted to have some personal time with each other, without any ears following them.

"The weather is so nice " Jaeyun smiled making heeseung just look at his husband. The younger looked really pretty today, though he always does but something should his fit looked different today. Heeseung could only stare as his husband wore a silk shirt of dark royal purple color with the black right pants along with the boots decorating his legs. Wide ranges of jewelries of platinum was wore by the younger which had incredible designs, it was designed by Jaeyun himself.

The blue gem ring shone in his finger making heeseung glance at his own ring finger which held the red gem ring in it. He looked back at his husband who was in front of him, riding his wide horse. His red hair were bouncing all the way making the prince look really adorable.

"Can we please stop by the river? " Jaeyun asked as he looked at the river with awe and then at his husband before focusing back on his horse. The prince of fire looked so adorable asking for it then who was heeseung to deny?. He almost immediately replied with a "sure dear" And now both of them were standing by the rivers.

It looked like as their horsed which were next to each other were talking about something when the two were just busy in their own world.

"Where the palace is crown? " Jaeyun asked as he rested on a rock straightening his back and looking at his husband who was approaching him. "Almost there dear we just need to cross this river and we are there" Heeseung replied which made the younger confuse.

"Cross the river how? " He asked while standing up and going to his husband who was standing and admiring the nature. Heeseung who was startled by the younger's sudden appearance near him smiled and intertwined their hands together.

"My powers dear I can make a path for us here" Heeseung replied and looked at his husband before continuing. "If you are done then shall we? " He asked and jaeyun nodded out of curiousity.

"Get on your horse " Jaeyun made his way to his horse once he heard the call of his husband. Both of them went on their horses before heeseung went a bit ahead of Jaeyun, near the river's edge.

Jaeyun's eyes were focused and he gasped a bit when he saw his husband's eyes glow blue as he Motioned his hands and made the water stop from both the side while dividing and pushing them from each other making the bare ground come in view.

"That was so cool crown" Jaeyun replied while staring at it with wide eyes to which heeseung led out a chuckle. "Thanks dear glad you liked it " He spoke and let out another wave of water from his hands which made a frozen platform on their path and now they were all ready to go on.


"All of this is so beautiful " Jaeyun happily let out a giggle as he ran through the hallways of the palace and admired the architect. "Careful dear the last thing I want you is to be hurt " Heeseung warned the excited male who was do busy to even hear his warning.

"Jaeyun do you wanna go back? " Heeseung asked while looking at the younger with serious face who immediately made a face and shook his head. "Good then be aware dear " Heeseung continued while stopping the vase from falling on his husband with his hands and keeping it back on his place.

"Thanks for bringing me here I love it so much crown" Jaeyun smiled brightly shile going towards his husband and shyly while grabbing his hands with hesitation and quickly leaving to explore more.

"Let's eat first and then sleep you know we have to go early to see the sunset on the peak of the mountain" The crown prince told his husband who smiled widely ans nodded before leaving for the dinning room to eat their food.

The evening passed by quickly and soon the two made their ways on the top of the castle, walking through the wooden stairs in the staircase alley which was very dark. The wooden planks creaked and heeseung who was ahead held his husband's hand rightly, guiding him at the dark staircase.

"Are we almost there? " Jaeyun asked In a whisper while looking at the elder with his puppy eyes. Heeseung smiled at the looks the younger prince was passing to him and couldn't resist the urge and patted the younger's head softly.

"Yeah just a few steps more my dear and we will see the sunset of mountain areas" Heeseung spoke and jaeyun couldn't help but feel excited.

Soon the couple reached the top of the castle and opened the door making both of them get hit by the cool breeze which was blowing. Jaeyun quickly shivered a bit as he rubbed his shoulders in order to keep himself warm.

"Wow" Both of them muttered at the same time while looking at the sunset. The orange and pink sky which was painted like a divinity. The two unconsciously held their hands while looking at the beautiful view in front of them in awe. The river passing by the mountains along with the beautiful waterfall and the beauty of the nature amazed them.

Jaeyun leaned on his husband a bit as both of them shared the Royal shall with each other to keep themselves warm.

"This is so pretty" Jaeyun let out a comment and heeseung couldn't help but snap back from his thoughts. He was so busy in admiring the nature that he forgot about the presence of the younger for a second.

But oh god glad he remembered it cause when he looked at his side and saw his husband he couldn't help but stare at him. The nature is surely beautiful, but the man right here, besides heeseung was surely on his way to take the title of the most beautiful and ethereal to ever exist.

The younger's skin was Glowing in the evening shine and the way Jaeyun smiled could just light up heeseung's world. How can someone like jaeyun exist? And how did he get so lucky to have him? These types of thoughts ran inside heeseung's mind as he bite his lips a bit.

Jaeyun looked at his right side as he felt someone staring at him. He was startled when he made direct eye contact with his husband soon the pink sky and Jaeyun's face didn't have any difference, both looking beautiful while being painted pink from a region.

The two stared in each other's eyes before jaeyun shyly looked in the other direction. Heeseung was disappointed when he felt the younger breaking the eye contact. He was on the verge of sulking when suddenly jaeyun look back at him and this time turned his body to face his husband.

Heeseung was confused about the sudden contact but got shocked when jaeyun tip toed a bit and wrapped his arms around his husband while hiding his face in the crook of the elder's neck.
Heeseung didn't waste any time back as he hugged the younger back while relaxing into the touch.

The two relaxed in each other's warmth and felt love radiating through it. It was just them and the sunset.


I'm like so so so so much tired today and just want to lay down after coming back from school. But i have to study and complete all my work so ig can't happen today T-T

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