16 - Your Body Wrapped Around Mine

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If there is a thing like best morning then Jaeyun was definitely having it right now. He was surprised when he woke up before his husband and when he looked outside to catch about the time he found it was still early morning. He laid back in Heeseung's arms which were wrapped around his waist while other supporting his head.

A shy smile formed on the red haired's lips as he traced his fingers on Heeseung's neck, which now had the mark formed by Jaeyun. The younger looked up at his husband to check if he was still asleep. Once he confirmed the elder was sleeping he quickly leaned in forward to place some small kisses on his neck. he sniffed the calming scent of his husband while burrying his head in the elder's crook of neck.

suddenly a bigger hand went to his head while softly stroking his hair. "that tickles love" Jaeyun didn't even budge a little when he heard the elder's voice instead he snuggled deeper. "Then take it all" Jaeyun joked while rubbing his husband's back with his gentle hands. Heeseung let out a smile while clutching tighter on the younger's body.

"Your Wish is my command your highness"

Jaeyun giggled and looked at his husband after hearing the reply. heeseung looked back and with a soft eye contact with the younger he forwarded his hands to caress the smooth cheeks of his husband. "How are you so pretty when you just woke up dear ?" Heeseung uttered and Jaeyun could be seen blushing due to the sudden compliment.

"Stop it" He spoke making Heeseung chuckle at him. He just loved how Jaeyun gave him reactions. he looked at his husband, deeply in his eyes as he could feel warmth reaching his heart. how is Jaeyun so perfect ? he would question himself and chuckle. No matter how many time Heeseung thought about it his answer never seemed to change.

"Don't you have to go for your practices and things yun?" Heeseung asked and jaeyun blushed at the sudden nickname. But he widened his eyes as he realised his schedule for today.

"I totally forgot about that" Jaeyun mumbled as he pulled out of the elder's embrace and plopped on the free space next to him on the bed. He sulked feeling sleepy but he had to wake up now.

Heeseung who saw it all just cooed on how adorable his husband was. No matter what or even the smallest actions the younger do they always end up either being hot and cute at the same time, just like now how heeseung's mind was diverted on the small waist of his husband.

"I was not done with your warmth yet" Heeseung suddenly uttered and hovered over his husband before dropping his weight on the younger's body. Jaeyun let out a fake yelp "you are heavy crown" Ge teased trying to fluster up the crown prince but no.

"Come on I know you are strong my dear, I bet you have some figure right here" Jaeyun's breathe hitched when he felt the elder's hand going to his body and touching his stomach from the clothes surface feeling his abs.

Heeseung buried his head in jaeyun's crook of neck before going to the side where the knot of his robe was. He quickly undid them letting the robe fall open. "Crown" Jaeyun spoke with a blushing face while holding his groans as he felt his husband's cold hand on his warm bare skin.

"Look I was right " Heeseung smirked as he poked the less defined but prominent abs of his husband who got embarrassed by the low sound he made. "Crown stop it" Jaeyun scolded and the male giggled before apologizing and tieing the robe back.

Jaeyun huffed as he kept the sword back and panted while looking at Sunghoon. "Damn how are you so well trained? " The younger prince asked and Jaeyun just shrugged his shoulders. "Jay hyung used to practice with me and you know he is the best at sword fighting" Jaeyun replied with a smile on his face as he remembered those time with his brother.

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