04 - Tradition Of Petal Kiss

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Finally the day came for which everyone were waiting so much, the marriage of Prince. From morning itself the whole kingdom was filled with various flowers and colors. Why not? Prince Jaeyun was really dearly to everyone because of his helping and humble nature.

Money, clothes, foods, silver and gold everything was donated by the royal family for the beloved marriage of their prince.

Prince Jaeyun, who was sitting near the window admired the whole castle and his kingdom. It was really beautiful and he couldn't help but smile as he looked at it. He supported his face with his palm and stared until his eyes felt tired.

He was really bored, everyone were busy in preparation of the marriage and he was told to rest. But now he is really bored. He hasn't seen heeseung for the past two days making him sulk even more.

Don't get him wrong, it's not a crime to look for your fiance. The crown prince of water was really busy with his works and duties. Both of them had seperate customs to do which didn't help them to meet up.

Now he felt like the lonely Rapunzel, who was alone in the high castle stating out of the window. He wished someone was there. He too felt nervous because he has to leave for the water kingdom right after the marriage. He had been there once in his childhood but he wasn't sure about it anymore.

"I knew you would be stuck here alone like ghost prince " Jaeyun looked back as he saw his mother standing there at his door. He immediately stood up and bowed to her. "Greetings to you her majesty " He lowered his head in front of her but to his surprise he felt warmth embracing him.

He smiled as he hugged his mother back who caressed his head. "My child has grown so much " She kissed the younger's head while patting him. "I still remember you running through the castle with a wooden sword in your hand as you giggled and showed us your first tricks " She spoke and laughed at the memories.

"And now look that child has grown into such a beauty and power who has his name all over the globe and three worlds" The queen pulled back as she stared with her yellow eyes into Jaeyun's red one. His mother was from the family of the Sun. The sun kingdom was known for it's glory and shine.

"You will be leaving us today " She spoke as a tear fell from his eyes which was quickly wipped by the prince. "Don't cry Her majesty " He spoke making the Queen sigh at him. "Why are you so loyal to the royal customs my child? I'm your mother first " She spoke and Jaeyun smiled at her.

"I'm fine mom, it was my destiny to be married to him and I believe he is the perfect choice for me " He replied and the queen could just look at her son proudly. The two talked for a while until an oblivious prince disturbed them.

The guard came in the room and bower towards the royals who looked at him confusingly. "Greetings her majesty and royal Highness am sorry to interrupt you but the Crown prince of Water wants to meet the the prince " The gaurd announced and jaeyun looked shyly at his mother who smiled at him in a teasing way.

"Let him in I was leaving either way " The Queen announced as she stood up and at the same time Heeseung entered the room who panicked once he saw the Queen present in the room.

"Am sorry to disturb your time her majesty " He bowed and apologised to the elder who laughed. "It's fine royal Highness, I was leaving anyways you both can talk here " She spoke and took her leave making both the males bow their head.

The two looked at each other ad the door behind them was closed by the gaurds. Jaeyun shyly looked at Heeseung before saying "Greetings royal Highness " Heeseung smiled at the younger before he replied. "Greetings to you too my dear".

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Jaeyun questioned as he looked over at the prince who bite his lips before coming closer to the younger prince. Jaeyun felt his eyes tremble as he looked deep in the blue eyes of his prince.

"It's our tradition for the morning of our marriage my dear " Heeseung Answered shortly while taking slow steps towards the younger. "May I have your hand my dear Prince?" Heeseung asked as he stared at the younger's hand.

Jaeyun blushed a bit as he gave his hand to the elder who held them gently. Heeseung softly caressed the hands of the make before bringing it closer and placing a kiss on his ring finger which was still empty.

Jaeyun's heart fluttered when he felt the elder's lips on his fingers. He didn't remove his lips. It felt like he was admiring his hand by his lips as he kept on pecking the soft skin of his hand. "Hey" Jaeyun spoke shyly making heeseung laugh. "We are getting married today dear, am sorry if I made you uncomfortable but we have this as a tradition " Heeseung said and now the pink color was visible on the young Prince's cheeks. "You didn't make me uncomfortable " He mumbled but heeseung heard it and smiled. "Glad I didn't "

He felt warmth, both in his heart and cheeks. "I brought some flowers for you"
Heeseung spoke as he left the room for a second and came back with a large bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Wow" Jaeyun smiled widely as he held the flowers in his hands and inhaled their scent.

Suddenly a flower wrath was placed on his head as he glanced up at it, but of course it wasn't visible to him. He confusingly looked at heeseung who smiled. "It's our tradition to kiss the ring finger of our fiance along with giving them flowers and a flower crown" Heeseung announced as he admired the younger who smiled brightly.

"This is so pretty thanks a lot my crown" Jaeyun spoke and heeseung smiled as the younger finally didn't call him with so much customs. "Is the flower crown pretty? I made it myself " Heeseung questioned ad he wanted to know if his work satisfied the younger.

"It's really pretty, thanks for the hard work. But what you didn't touch my flowers right? " Heeseung laughed as he heard the possesiveness in his voice about the flowers. "Of course not my prince, I don't have that much courage to mess with you " Jaeyun blushed a little as he wasn't already doing so.

"I'm glad. Btw thinking about it I too have something for you " Jaeyun spoke and heeseung looked at him with a sense of interest. "What is it? " He questioned and jaeyun smiled a little in a shy way.

"You may know it, we have a tradition of a petal kiss "


Don't mind me updating a lot lol T-T I'm enjoying writing this do much


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