23- My Angel

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Heeseung's mind went foggy as he heard his husband's words. I need you, Jaeyun's soft breathy voice rang in his mind and he knew there was no looking back now.

He glanced at the younger male in his arms and he could definitely feel the younger's symbols awakening as his body heat up. Without any further notice heeseung grabbed Jaeyun by his cheeks gently and made the younger face him.

Jaeyun's eyes which were full of lust and love was enough to take Heeseung back.

"What do you need angel? " Heeseung questioned as he pulled Jaeyun closer to him while looking straight in his eyes. Jaeyun pouted a bit as his husband teased him with questions and it took everything in heeseung's power to not devor those plump lips in front of his.

"You, just you crown" Jaeyun answered boldy and it was Enough to wake heeseung's symbol.

"You have me" Heeseung commented as he immediately leaned in and pressed his heart shaped lips with the plump ones of his husband. One of his hands made their way towards jaeyun's hips as he picked the younger up effortlessly by only one hand.

Out of reflex jaeyun was quick to wrap his legs around the masculine body, kissing back as heeseung placed a hand on jaeyun's back of head to prevent his husband get hurt when heeseung pressed His body on the wall while making out on the spot.

A pant let out of Jaeyun's mouth as he immediately let out a whimper while throwing his head back to give space to heeseung who was busy with his neck.
The wine haired gripped on jaeyun's waist while his other hand on younger's shirt as he undid it and slide it off his body leaving both the males shirtless.

Heeseung hugged his husband and caressed his hair as Jaeyun was trailing kissed on his neck. While the younger did it heeseung made both their ways to the bed and softly laid his husband on the soft mattress once they were near.

Heeseung admired his husband, his messy hair and flushed cheeks of pink while his lips seemed slightly swollen and pinker then usual. "You look so pretty love"

"So pretty for me"

"You really lack some manners" Heeser groaned as he taunted his brother who rolled his eyes and smirked while looking at his brother who was bust covering his husband in the blanket.

"Rise and shine it's morning, why are you hiding there? " Sunghoon spoke as he provoked the crown prince who glared at him. "Or perhaps your husband is not in that form to be shown? " He continued and heeseung clicked his tongue while lowering the blanket a little leaving Jaeyun who was sleeping and snuggler in his husband's chest while being fully dressed.

"Oh, then why were you hiding him? You both seem perfectly dressed and all" Sunghoon asked feeling confused at the behavior.

"You know it's not pleasent to see anyone eyeing your sleeping husband, I always cover him up cause it's really not that comfortable" Heeseung answered back without looking at his brother as he was busy in covering his husband up.

"Alright I understand btw I wanted to have a talk with you" The younger prince spoke as he looked at his brother who hummed in response. "Can we talk later? If it isn't that important for now" Heeseung excused and the other nodded at it.

"Sure, I can wait. Whenever you are free just come to my room okay? And also prince Sunoo wants prince Jaeyun to accompany him so please convey the message to your husband" Sunghoon commented before leaving the room making heeseung sigh and glance down at his husband.

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