26 - Shadow Prince

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Riki giggled as he cuddled with his brother. He was currently in jaeyun's room as requested by Heeseung as he had to go around for few minutes to check on the horses before they go off.
And Riki gladly agreed to it.

"Are you happy hyung? " Riki asked as he looked at his brother who smiled and nodded. "I'm so happy to see you all prince" Jaeyun remarked but The younger male shook his head. "Are you happy here hyung? " Riki again spoke the question and made it more clear.

"Well I'm actually the happiest" Jaeyun replied and riki looked at him with hopeful eyes. "It doesn't matter where you are living, you just feel at ease once you are finally bonded with your partner" Jaeyun completed his sentence as he swear he could see those tiny sparkles in his brother's eyes.

"Like you feel happy when you see prince Sunoo right?" Jaeyun spoke and Riki nodded as the tip of his ears started to turn red. "I feel at ease seeing him" Riki whispered back as he looked down to his hands. "Of course you would, you both are made for each other. You will be marrying him soon too"

"I wish that time come fast"

They diverted their eyes as the sound of the door opening could be heard. "You are back" Jaeyun Exclaimed making Riki look at the figure entering the room. But his smile widened as his eyes laid on the other male behind Heeseung.

"Prince sunoo" Riki spoke as he stood up and jumped through to The other male. "I heard you were here. Do you wanna accompany me to the garden? " Sunoo questioned the male who nodded in return. "Sure let's go your highness" The prince of fire spoke making Sunoo smile and exit the room with him.

"Aw when will they get married? " Jaeyun asked as he stood up and hugged his husband who embraced him back. "You know love we are waiting for Prince Riki to become an adult first" Heeseung replied while looking directly in Jaeyun's eyes.

The younger looked confused, "but he turned an adult last month" Jaeyun clarified which only made Heeseung frown. "When did he? Why didn't we know?".

" He turned adult on the night on the red moon, I thought you knew cause Crown prince was finally announced as the king after that" Jaeyun spoked and Heeseung realised it was true. The crown prince can only be announced as the king if his youngest brother is finally adult or the previous king is sick or can't continue the procedure.

Heeseung smile softly before leaning down and pressing a kiss on Jaeyun's neck making the younger let out a smal whine as he tilted his head to give more access to his husband. "My bad love, was too busy in marking you at that day" Heeseung spoke and Jaeyun just pulled him closer to his body.


A giggle left out Jaeyun's mouth as he raced with his husband. He was currently in lead leaving Heeseung's horse behind him. "You can't win from me darling" Jaeyun yelled making Heeseung laugh.

Of course Heeseung didn't show any passion in the game. Though he didn't like giving up but for his husband's happiness he was willing to do that too. He just watched his husband who was full of happiness while providing no effort in the race.

All just for jaeyun's happiness.

"I won" Shouted Jaeyun as he stopped his horse near the river while celebrating and looking behind for Heeseung who was following him. "Yes you did pretty" Heeseung replied getting of the horse and waiting for Jaeyun to do the same.

Once the younger's feet were touching the ground, heeseung wrapper his arms around his waist while the horses immediately circled around them so they can be covered.

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