20 - Mystery Of Shadows

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"Huh? Forgive you for what crown? " Jaeyun spoke and looked at his husband with his doe eyes. Heeseung sighed and smiled a bit before leaning in and rubbing their nose together. "I'm so sorry love i don't know what's wrong with me" Heeseung apologized with a quite sob as he felt stresses about the situation.

"What happened? " Jaeyun cupped the elder's cheeks and looked straight in the blue eyes only to see stress and fear.

"Crown" Jaeyun called out and heeseung hummed in return. "Heeseung-ah" Jaeyun called more firmly letting his eyes switch from those of a doe to siren eyes. Heeseung gulped before picking the younger up and seating back on his place with Jaeyun on his laps.

"Yes love? " Heeseung replied back making Jaeyun grab the back of his nape softly. "Will you tell me what happened or do you want me to see it myself through your eyes? " Jaeyun threatened and heeseung tightened his grip around his husband's waist. "I prefer the second option dear" Heeseung replied and focused his eyes on that of his husband.

The fires are blessed with this special ability to look through the person's eyes to see what happened in their past, though not everyone from the family or the Royal fire have this ability but it still is only found in the royals of the fire.

Hearing his husband's response Jaeyun's eyes immediately glowed red as his hands ignited fire which took a shape of a ball. Heeseung's eyes too glowed blue and he focused hard in the red glowing ones that for once he felt the world around them totally pause. Jaeyun leaned in closer to his husband before whispering something in his ears which immediately made heeseung close his eyes.

Looking at the closed eyes of his husband Jaeyun was quick to look at the fire ball as the past moments were displayed in it. He frowned and his eyes widened as he saw his own reflection in it but it wasn't him. The fire ball disappeared as Jaeyun closed his fists and placed a kiss on Heeseung's cheeks making the elder open his eyes to look at his lover. 

"That freaking shadow knight again" Jaeyun spoke and heeseung nodded. "But how could he copy your eyes ? I'm damn sure those eyes were yours" Heeseung replied and Jaeyun bite his lips a little. this was so confusing. If Heeseung says that those eyes resembled Jaeyun then it must have been someone who disguised as Jaeyun or Jaeyun himself. 

But it wasn't Jaeyun and even if the shadow knights can disguise as someone they can never copy someone's mark, eyes and scent. "But it couldn't be a Shadow knight cause they can't copy my eyes until and unless they are the royals of the shadows" Jaeyun spoke and his eyes widened as he realised. "Wait" Heeseung commented as he too thought about it. 

"A royal shadow was here ?" 

Jaeyun's eyes showed feared as he looked at heeseung deep in eye. "It can't be him right crown ?" Jaeyun asked feeling smaller as Heeseung protectively wrapped his arms around his husband. "It has to be him love there is no other explanation of this matter rather then this" Heeseung replied in a breathy tone as jaeyun sunk in his arms. 

"It finally makes sense" Jaeyun spoke hugging his husband tighter who nodded while rubbing the younger's back. "Why does he have to meddle in our life again ?" Jaeyun continued as he couldn't believe that what the shadow prince said he would actually do it.

"You won't be able to escape me, you are mine" 

Jaeyun glanced around the huge hall to look for his prince. It was the huge party in the kingdom of the Water as their eldest son who just turned 15 year old on the day was announced as the Crown Prince. So on the occasion of his birthday and announcement the King of the water kingdom prepared a huge party and of course the Fires had to be there. 

Jaeyun let out the biggest smile as he looked over at the young Crown prince of the Kingdom of water. He let out a small giggle as he slowly made his way to the elder who was busy talking to others. The 13 Year old, almost 14 year old looked for the right opportunity before he finally saw the elder prince free to talk.  He went closer and closer until his body was finally near to the crown prince. 

"Greetings to you Crown" Jaeyun spoke and Heeseung immediately let out the smile which was on hold for the whole event. Even before turning back to face the younger Heeseung already knew it was his Jaeyun. Jaeyun's heart fluttered as his red eyes met with the blue ones of the elder. "Greetings to you too my dear one" Heeseung replied as he bowed his head a bit to the younger who blushed a little at the gesture. 

"Wish you a very happy birthday Crown. I wish for your health and happiness Royal highness" Jaeyun shortly commented but it was enough to light up Heeseung's mood. Heeseung's eyes sparkled as he saw the younger giving him a big enough box with a letter on top of it. The elder's heart beat rose as he noticed how shy the younger looked at the moment with his pretty eyes looking at him with fondness and soft cheeks painted in red. 

Jaeyun forwarded the box ahead before indicating "I prepared a gift for you crown, hope you like it. I'm sorry cause it may not be too expensive or luxuries to your liking but it took a lot of my time to prepare it for you" Jaeyun apologized as he looked down in shame feeling bad for not meeting the standards of the crown prince.

But he blushed hard with wide eyes as he felt a pair of soft lips on his forehead. "Crown" Jaeyun whispered as he just received a smile from heeseung. "Thanks for such a precious gift sweet one. The luxurious or most expensive things can't even meet this Priceless present I received from you today, I swear to treasure it with my all heart."

The two just stood there while looking deep in each other's eyes with love.

But they were interrupted as they heard a sound of throat clearing from their side making them turn their head towards that direction. "Greetings to you royal highness" The prince of shadow who was just their age spoke as he made his way closer to the two prince.

"Greetings to you too Prince Hyun" Heeseung spoke as he turned his attention to the new comer making Jaeyun sulk a bit internally because of the sudden interrupt."Congratulation on your day prince" Prince hyun spoke with a small smile making heeseung return the action with a small "thankyou".

Suddenly the shadow prince turned his head towards Jaeyun who bowed his head and greeted the elder prince politely. " Oh we have prince Jaeyun here too, greetings to the fire prince" Prince hyun spoke as he smiled at the younger male.

Prince hyun looked at the two and laughed a little. "Oh you still believe in that destiny? Fate of being each other's other half? " The prince laughed a little as he commented making Heeseung just look at him with a low scoff. "We do believe in it Prince Hyun and we are sure we both hold brightness for each other rather then darkness like shadows" Heeseung commented in a polite tone.

The shadow prince darkened his eyes as he glanced at Jaeyun. "You are beautiful at this young age prince. I wonder how gorgeous you will look in the future, lucky there you crown prince" The shadow prince commented as he eyed the younger body from up to down making Jaeyun's red eyes glare at him.

"I prefer having your eyes on rather then my flower over there" Heeseung spoke as he folded his hands around his chest leaving the shadow prince in laughter. "Then are you the thorns of the flower Crown prince? "

"At least you know thorns are there to protect the flowers" Heeseung commented and before the other could say anything Jaeyun interrupted. "Flowers kill insects to you know? You should be well aware of that prince Hyun"

"You both are provoking me huh? Let's see then I have this interest in you Prince Jaeyun and I'll love to be in this war of your eternal faith and my power" Prince Hyun spoke and turned around before whispering in the younger's ears.

"You won't be able to escape me your are mine, crown prince don't deserve you"

The shadow prince tried his manipulating power but to his surprise Jaeyun just rolled his eyes before forming a small fire ball in his head.

"Will love to burn you with this fire ball"


Yep it was the shadow prince all the way who was plotting this all and the one in Jaeyun's nightmares.

Are you enjoying it ~~


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