29 - Your Eyes

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°Song recommend - ocean eyes by billie Eilish, listen to it on loop ~

"Jaeyun-ah" Heeseung called out but ni response was given to him. He looked at his side and his husband was just looking at him with no emotions in his eyes as his one eye was just black. "Love do you want to eat something? " Heeseung questioned as he tried his best to get the younger talk to him.

But as expected no reply was given to him. He sighed as he looked back at his table and went their to do his work.

Heeseung was just in his room as he looked through the papers that he left hanging the past day. He couldn't leave the room, he really didn't wanted to leave the side of his husband after seeing his condition.

He sighed, his parents will be here anytime soon as they heard what has happened to the Royal spouse. He looked back at the bed to see the younger resting ad he blankly stared at the ceiling. Heeseung tried a lot but the younger didn't respond to him.

As expected a knock was heard on the door before and before he could even reply the door opened as two worried figures entered the room making him immediately stand up.

"Oh my Lord Jaeyun" The mother queen called out as she ran to the male who didn't even glance at them, he was just sitting there looking lifeless while staring at blank space. The female held the younger's hand as she pulled him in her embrace while trying to talk to him.

Heeseung bite his lips as he father looked at him with disappointment. "Where were you? " He simply questioned as his hands formed a fist. "Royal highness I asked you something, what's happening to him? " He again repeated and heeseung took a deep breathe.

"Your highness he was in control of the shadows for a while and yesterday the shadows tried to possess him" He replied as he avoided his father's eyes which were visibly glowing blue at the moment. "What do you mean try to posses him? He visibly looks like he was attacked. Where were you even? " The female asked as she seemed panick as the younger was not responding to her.

"Working" Heeseung replied shortly and it just angered his mother. "Didn't we tell you to be with him when needed, didn't we tell you to protect him at all cost. Look at him he doesn't even seems like he is hearing us, he isn't responding to us Child look at him" His mother shouted as she looked at him with so much anger he ever saw in her.

Heeseung just looked down in shame as he didn't have any answer to her. He didn't even know what's happening to his husband, he tried to ask the other but no one seemed to know. Everyone were just horrified as they looked at him.

"I have to do something" The former queen mumbled as both the other males looked at her confusingly. "What are you gonna do dear? We can't seem to know about his condition" The male questioned but his wife just looked at him. "So you want me to leave him just like it? Do you even know how pained his mother will feel once she sees him? They are coming here for the marriage of their prince but imagine them being threatened to see their child with us in this condition. We should be ashamed cause we swore to protect their child but look at him"

She spoke and none of the two males said anything after that. She took a breathe as she motioned both the males to go on the side of the bed. Once the males were in the position she looked at them. "I'll try to take the shadow soul out of him so be sure to catch that disgusting thing and kill it" She spoke and both the males nodded as they immediately moved their hands in motion creating a barrier so the soul couldn't leave the room.

The female nodded as her eyes glowed yellow while she kept her hands on jaeyun's head and softly caressed it. Within few seconds she gasped as a black matter could be seen trying to go out of Jaeyun's eyes. Jaeyun screamed out in pain making Heeseung immediately hold his hand. "It's alright, everything will be alright dear" Heeseung comforted as Jaeyun could be seen coming in consciousness.

A cry left out of Jaeyun as he feel suffocated. With a loud gasp as he looked in front as he tried to gain his breathe after the fire soul was taken out of his body. He cried as he saw how the red fire ball was now covered with black substance on it. Weakness is all he felt as he cried and dropped his body on his husband while watching the Female going towards it.

Heeseung was quick to catch the younger, he was glad that he didn't loose his consciousness this time. Jaeyun settled himself on heeseung's shoulder as the elder held him protectively, as if Jaeyun would disappear if he let go.

Jaeyun clutched as the mother queen used her powers to seperate the black shadow from jaeyun's fire soul. He shut his eyes letting tears fall as his heart pained. Heeseung closed his eyes as he could feel himself feeling a bit of the pain of the younger. Their souls were connected to each other and heeseung could definitely feel the pain, only if just a small amount of it but he still could.

A loud scream left out jaeyun's mouth as he could feel his soul tearing apart. His head in heeseung's crook if neck as he clutched hard on his husband's shoulder. Heeseung didn't even complained a bit as he took it all while the younger cried out.

Heeseung saw how the fire soul was almost in it's original form as his mother worked hard on seperating the evil soul from the pure one. Once the fire soul was back to normal it was pushed hard in Jaeyun making the younger let out a gasp ad his body got pushed on the wall because of the strong jerk.

His breathing hitched as for a moment the world around him seemed to stop for a moment. He took a harsh deep breathe as his vision seemed to be clear then before. He glanced down at his hand and saw how the black stretching line was slowly disappearing. He looked at his side and saw how heeseung's eyes were teary as he looked at him.

"My eye" Jaeyun whispered as he covered his left eye and looked at heeseung with fear. Heeseung chuckled through tears as he softly held the younger's hand and removed it from his eyes.

"Your eyes Are the prettiest love, they hold so many emotions and i could feel myself getting lost in them everytime i see them. You are so precious my dear one and i swear to kill those things which tried to do this to you"

Heeseung spoke as he held the crying younger in his arms. Though he himself was crying but he couldn't care about it. His parents just smiled as they left the room knowing how Jaeyun would just need heeseung with him now.

Jaeyun looked up at heeseung with his teary eyes, both his eyes back to normal as they held the universe in it. "I was so scared, it was too painful" Jaeyun sobbed as he felt heeseung's hand cup his cheeks. "I'm so sorry darling" Heeseung apologized as he rubbed their noses together to bring out a comforting feeling for his husband.

He placed a soft kiss on the younger's forehead before joining his own with his husband.

"No matter how you are Or whatever happens to you, you are still mine and I'm always yours dear"


Hope you liked it <3

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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