How Do I Look?

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Y/n's POV:

I was excited for me and Soda's date tonight, but first I needed to get to work.

"Hey Cookie, where ya been the past few days?" Mary asked as I walked through the door.

"I wasn't feeling well," I said putting on the grey t-shirt.

I started taking orders from people, as a group of socs walked in. Dammit, they better not cause trouble. They walked up to me, and I figured I would just take their order and they'd move on.

"Hey pretty lady, what's a broad like you doing at a place like this?" One of them asked. Now, normally I didn't have a problem with boys calling me a broad. I get it, a lot of people think I'm pretty. I never really saw it, but I'll always take the compliment.

"Thanks, but I'm taken," I said, partially lying. Me and Soda had a date tonight, but we never really made ourselves official. Well, if it comes back to Soda, I'll tell him some socs were flirting with me. He'd understand.

"What a shame, I could give you a great time," he said with a wink. I was disgusted at this point, and got Mary to take their order. If I dealt with them any longer I'd probably go to jail and lose my job. (Foreshadowing ;))

They finally got their ice cream, and left. Me and Mary were finally able to go on our break.

"So, I heard you say you were taken," Mary grinned, as we walked throughout the city. 

"Well, not really," I said and her face dropped a little. "I have a date with Soda, but we never really made ourselves official," I laughed.

She squealed like a little girl on Christmas morning, "I KNEW HE LIKED YOU!"

"Shush, everyone will hear you," I said, lighting a cigarette as we walked back to Dairy Queen.

Nothing much happened during the last part of my shift. I took off early to get ready with my date with Soda.

"Bye Mary!" I called heading out the door.

"Have fun on your date!" She called back.

When I got home, I took a quick shower. I dried my hair, did my makeup, and started looking through my closet for something to wear. Hardest part of getting ready.

"Hey," Steve said knocking on my door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," I said as he walked in.

"Ya know Soda's gonna pick you up in thirty minutes right?" He asked staring at me.

"Yeah, I know. I can't find anything to wear," I said, slightly frowning.

"Ugh, let me see," Steve said looking through my closet. He acts like he hates picking out my outfits, but I think he secretly loves it (Also foreshadowing) We finally settled on a black, skin tight dress with a jean jacket and my converse.

Steve walked out so I could change. Once I got changed, I put on my converse and walked out of my room. Soda was already there waiting for me.

"How do I look?" I asked.

"Wow," he whispered as he stared at me. "I- uh- you- uh- look stunning," he managed to get out. I giggled. He couldn't take his eyes off me. I smiled at him. He was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a flannel. He looked so cute.

"Let's go," I said, hugging Steve a goodbye.

"Be back at 12. No later. And if you stay at the Curtis' house call. No messing around. She sleeps on the couch," Steve said glaring at Soda.

"Promise," he said, throwing his hands up.

After we said goodbye, Soda led me to his car. He took me back to the Curtis' so we could walk to the drive-in, and didn't have to pay. I didn't mind, it was a nice night.

"How was your day at work today?" Soda asked as we were walking.

"It was good. Mary asked where I was, but I just told her I was sick."

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I gave him a soft smile. I didn't really want to tell him about the socs. It wasn't a big deal, but if it got back to Steve, he'd want to jump them.

Steve's POV:

After Soda and Cookie left, I walked over to Two's so we could get Dal and jump Alex. Two walked out with a switch in his hand. I guess he noticed me doing a double take of it.

"Just in case," he said as we walked down the Buck's to get Dal.

"DAL! LET'S GO!" I yelled as I pounded on his door. He walked out, and we started walking the streets looking for Alex. I chose tonight, since I remembered Cookie telling me that he liked to take walks in the park. We headed to the park, and sure enough, there he was.

"HEY DIPSHIT!" I screamed at him.

He looked up and even from far away you could see the instant fear he had in his eyes. He got off the swing he was sitting on and tried to run, but Dal was already sprinting towards him and knocked him to the ground. 

"Hey! I wanted to get the first hit," I complained to Dal.

"Be my guest," he said, waving his arms where Alex laid, trying to get back up.

I punched his jaw, and he fell back down. We all took turns kicking and punching him, and by the time we decided we were done, he probably had a broken nose, lost a couple of teeth, and had broken a couple of ribs. We left him there, and started walking back towards my house to celebrate.

Y/n's POV:

We crawled under the fence, and sat down in some chairs that were set up. They were playing Wizard of Oz, an okay movie to me. Halfway through, Soda asked me if I wanted some popcorn.

"Yeah, make sure to get extra butter and salt! And don't forget a Coke!" I said, smiling at him. He got up and left, and a few minutes later, someone sat down next to me. I assumed it was Soda, and turned my head to grab my popcorn and Coke, but was met with Curly, from Tim Shepher's gang.

"What the hell do you want Curly?" I asked standing my ground. He's been known to mess with girls before. 

"You, baby doll. Are you out here all alone?" 

"No, she's not," a voice said behind me. I knew in an instant it was Soda's. Curly turned around and saw Soda standing there. He glared at him for a second, but got up and left.

"Did he do anything to you Cookie?" He asked with concern in his face. Aww, he cares.

"No, he just sat down when you got back. I'm fine," I said as I took the popcorn and soda from his hands.

When the movie was done, I looked over and saw Soda drinking and Coke.

"Wait a minute," I said. He looked over with a confused look on his face. "Isn't that cannibalism?" I asked looking and pointing down at his soda. He looked at me, then down at his soda, and back at me.

"Oh my," he whispered. "I'VE BEEN DRINKING MY KIND!" He screamed and threw the bottle on the ground. 

I started laughing my ass off. "I was gonna drink the rest," I said in between laughs.

After I was able to calm back down, we climbed back over the fence and started headed back to the Curtis' house. 

"I have one more thing for us to do tonight," Soda said with a grin on his face.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked with curiosity in my voice.

"It's a surprise," he said with a wink.

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