Can I Have This Dance?

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Y/n's POV:

Mary and Soda decided to surprise me with a reception. I couldn't help but smile as they led me back to the backyard after an hour of Soda taking me away.

I hear the soft melody of Frank Sinatra playing as I open my eyes. They completely redecorated the backyard so there was a space for dancing, and a table with some gifts, and another table with a cake sitting on it.

"Soda..." I said breathlessly as I take everything in.

"You like it?" He flashed a grin at me, as I cover my mouth. All I could do was nod my head and smile, words not coming to mind.

He chuckled and led me over to where a beautiful chocolate cake sat. "I hope you like it, Darry slaved away and tried to keep Steve out the kitchen at the same time," Soda chuckled.

I swallowed, a small smile forming on my face. "I love it."

"Wanna do the honors?" He asked, picking up a knife and handing it to me.

I took the knife and he had his hand on top of mine as everyone watched us cut the first slice of cake. My smile beamed brighter than the sun as I put the slice on a plate.

Soda hands me a fork and grabs one for himself. He takes a piece and shoves it into my mouth. I laugh a little, but damn, was that cake good. I use my fork to take a piece and shove it in his mouth. He laughs, and as we shove pieces of cake into each others mouths, Mary hands out slices of cake to everyone.

We all spend the next hour or so, eating cake and talking to each other, enjoying our lives. At one point, Steve had gotten all of our attentions.

"Before Cookie and Soda go do their first dance, I have one last gift to give. Now Cookie, I know you made us promise you not to get you anything, and technically I didn't," Steve smiled, and I raised my eyebrow slightly, not knowing where this was going.

Soda flashed me a smile and squeezed my hand gently, knowing something that I don't.

Steve smiled and Soda dropped my hand, grabbing his guitar and slowly beginning to strum a melody. I looked back at Steve who began to sing.

"I'm 18, and our folks are nowhere near
I know we don't have forever, and I'm scared to be alone
So I'm thankful for my sister, even though sometimes we fight
When high school wasn't easy, she's the reason I survived
I know she'd never leave me and I hate to see her cry
So I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her side
I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her side
I wrote this verse to tell her that
The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad
If we got each other, and that's all we have
I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand
You should know I'll be there for you
When the world's not perfect, when the world's not kind
If we have each other, then we'll both be fine
I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand
You should know I'll be there for you."

I smiled, and tears formed in my eyes as I covered my mouth with my hands. Steve smiled and walked up to me, pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him, laughing and crying at the same time.

"Did you not like it? I'm sorry. I thought-"

"I loved it," I cut him off, squeezing him once before letting go. I sniffled, looking up and wiping my tears with the back of my hand. "I'm sorry."

"Aww, no Cookie. Don't say sorry. It's your day girl. Do what you want," Mary chuckled a little, hugging me.

I chuckled a little too, sniffled, and fanned my face. "Okay, we're good now."

"Your efforts might be nothing," Steve whispered in my ear.

I gave him a confused look, but that's when new music began to play. I looked over and saw Soda strumming the guitar I got him for his birthday one year. I smiled and bit my lip, trying to hold back the fresh batch of tears that had surfaced.

"So you're still thinking of me
Just like I know you should
I can not give you everything, you know I wish I could
I'm so high at the moment
I'm so caught up in this
Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke
But we still got love to give
While we're young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb broke high school kids
Young dumb broke high school kids
We have so much in common
We argue all the time
You always say I'm wrong
I'm pretty sure I'm right
What's fun about commitment?
When we have our life to live
Yeah, we're just young dumb and broke
But we still got love to give
While we're young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb broke high school kids
Young dumb broke high school kids
Jump then we think, leave it all in the game of love
Run into sin, do it all in the name of fun
I'm so high at the moment
I'm so caught up in this
Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke
But we still got love to give
While we're young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb broke high school kids
Young dumb broke high school kids
Young dumb broke high school kids"

I was officially crying happy tears by the time he finished. He set his guitar down and walked up to me. He gently cupped my face and wiped my tears, kissing my forehead.

"I love you, you know that?" He asked like I didn't.

I chuckled and nodded, resting my forehead against his and wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands slowly slid down to my waist, tugging me to the dance floor. He swayed gently and pulled my body flushed against his. Some soft Frank Sinatra began to play as everyone watched our first dance as a married couple in awe.

When the song ended, more upbeat music began to play and we smiled at each other, and danced as everyone else made their way to the dance floor. We all danced our hearts out, acting like this night was our last and we'd all die tomorrow morning.

We laughed, we smiled, we danced, everything a young, married couple was supposed to do. We forgot about the fact I was raped when I was 9, or the part where I went to jail for Pony and Johnny. We forgot it all, and just enjoyed ourselves like we should've.

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