Can I Stay Here?

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Steve's POV:

After Cookie and Soda left, I'm not sure why I did, I just broke down crying. Maybe it's because she's growing up. Maybe it's because I never told her what happened.

After about 10 minutes, I pulled myself together. I sat down, ate cake, and watched Mickey. Just as I was going to bed, I heard a knock on the door. I went over and opened it.

"Hey Steve. Long time no see?"

Y/n's POV:

Me and Soda walked into the Curtis house, and it was like any other night. Pony and Johnny were on the couch watching Mickey, while Darry was sitting in his armchair, reading the paper.

"Hey Darry, is it okay if Cookie spends the night? Her and Steve got into a fight," Soda said. I looked down, slightly embarrassed about the fight part.

Darry looks up from his newspaper with a concerned look. "Yeah, of course you can spend the night Cookie. You just have to sleep on the couch with Johnny."

"That's no problem," I say giving a soft smile.

"Hey Pony and Johnny, could you guys go get blankets for Cookie?" Darry asked. Pony looked a little annoyed, but got up and walked out of the room while Johnny followed.

"What happened Cookie? You and Steve never fight," Darry said, turning his attention back to us when they left.

I looked down with so much shame. It's true. We never fought. We were always like our own little team. Me and him against the world, protecting each other no matter what.

"Steve never told me what happened when I woke up from that coma. I had to find out tonight by Soda and some socs."

"Socs?! Soda! What happened?!" Darry asked with so much worry in his eyes.

"Me and Cookie were at the lot, where we had set up the picnic earlier. Some socs came by and talked to us. Dal kicked their asses though."

"Okay, just be careful," Darry said as Pony and Johnny walked back in.

"Thanks Pony," I said while smiling and taking the blanket from him. "I'm gonna go take a shower if that's okay?"

"Of course Cookie, let us know if you need anything," Darry smiled at me.

Pony's POV:

Me and Johnny left to go get blankets. Stupid Darry making me go do everything. Why can't Cookie get her own damn blankets.

"You know it's because her and Steve got into a fight right?" Johnny asked.

"Oh shit, did I say that out loud?"

"Yeah," Johnny said and chuckled. "What do you think it was about?" He asked, his voice a whisper.

"The fight? Probably about something stupid. I don't really know." Why does it matter?

"Because it's Cookie and she looked hurt."

"Shit I said that out loud too, didn't I?"


We grabbed the blankets and headed back to the living room.

"Socs?! Soda! What happened?!" I could hear Darry yell at them. I stopped Johnny from going in because I knew they didn't want us to hear. So that's why Darry made us go get the blankets.

"Me and Cookie were at the lot, where we had set up the picnic earlier. Some socs came by and talked to us. Dal kicked their asses though," I could hear Soda say. Typical Dal.

"Okay, just be careful," I could hear Darry sigh as we walked into the room.

I gave Cookie her blankets and she went to go get a shower.

"Why'd they fight?" Johnny asked in a worry tone. He hated fighting and Cookie was always like an older sister to him.

Darry and Soda looked at each other, and Darry gave Soda the 'Don't say anything' look. "They just didn't agree on something, that's all Johnny."

After 15 minutes, Cookie came back wearing one of Soda's tee shirts.

"Hey doll, that's mine. Give it back."

"Hmmmm... Nope, I like it. It smells like you," she giggled.

Soda started to chase her around the house while laughing and we all just cracked up at the sight. It was clear that they loved each other.

After a while, they plopped down on the couch out of breath.

"I'm going to bed," I said while yawning.

"Night Pony!"

"Goodnight Pony!"

"Love you Pony!"

"Be there in a sec!"

I got to my room and flopped down onto the bed. Soon, my eyes were shut and I fell asleep.

Y/n's POV:

After Pony left for bed, Darry did too which left me, Soda. and Johnny.

"Alright, need anything Cookie and Johnny?" Soda asked while getting up.

"No, I'm good."

"Same here."

"Alright then, goodnight love," Soda said while kissing my forehead. "Night Johnny."

"Night Soda."

"Goodnight Soda!"

I grabbed a pillow and laid down on the couch, wrapping myself up in blankets.

"Cookie? Do you love Soda?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, yeah I guess I do. He's my best friend, and I honestly can't believe I'm actually dating him now." I smiled softly to myself remembering my date tonight. True, it didn't end on good terms, but it was our first true date, and I wouldn't change a thing about it. I fell asleep smiling to myself, life was good right now.

"Y/n, I'm back," his taunting voice ringing through my head.

"No, no you're not! You cheated and you left!" I screamed, fighting away the voice.

"I know sweetie, but I'm back. I want to be back in your life again," he said, his voice as soothing as ever. I almost gave in, but then I pictured Soda's face in my mind.

"No! No! No!"

I woke up in a cold sweat, panting.

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