What Are We Going To Do?

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up with pounding in my head, and like a wave crashing over me, everything from that night came flooding back.

"HOLY SHIT PONY!" I shot up like a rocket.

I never could've guessed what I saw. Bob was laying on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding him. Guess I was seeing double before I blacked out. I saw Pony laying near the fountain with water all around him and thanked God it wasn't blood. Then, Johnny, sitting by the fountain shaking.

"Johnny," I asked, and even though my voice was light, it still startled him.

"I-I killed him," he said and started to cry silently.

"Oh Johnny, it'll be ok," I say, remembering back to my words earlier. As long as anyone ain't dead, we can fix it. Well, now someone is dead.

I walked over to Pony and placed my head on his chest. Oh thank Jesus.

"Johnny, he's breathing," I say with a sigh of relief.

I lightly shook him and he coughed up some water, but other than that looked unharmed.

"Cookie? Johnny? What happened?" He asked as I helped him sit up.

"Well, long story short Johnny killed Bob. So, now we need to figure out what we need to do," I said as I already knew what I needed to do. Dal would kill me if I let Johnny go to jail and Darry would hate me because he doesn't want Soda and Pony going to a boys' home.

"Johnny give me your switch," I say standing up.

"What? Why?" He asked confused.

"Johnny look at me. You and Pony can't go to jail. But I can. I'm taking the entire fall for this. Those socs are pissed and can't wait to blame one of us so I'm telling the police what I did. Now I want you to give me your switch, take Pony back home, and tell the gang the story. Tell them what I'm about to tell you in case they get pulled in for questioning. Me, you, and Pony were running to the park. The socs pulled up and started talking to us, when one of them grabbed Pony and started to drown him in the fountain. Me and you fought them until I stabbed Bob and passed out," I explained to him. I was crying now, knowing what this meant for me and Soda. But Soda would hate me more if I let Pony or Johnny go to jail.

"Cookie, no, I can't, you can't. You'll get tried as an adult," Johnny was trying to get the words out but failed.

"Shh, shh, it's okay Johnnycakes," I said to him pulling him into a hug.

"Cookie, what about Soda? Or Steve? What are they going to think?" Pony asked. He was crying too now.

"Pony, it'll be okay. Look at me," I said breaking away from Johnny's hug and looking at him.

"Look, you guys have to do this. By the time you get home, I'll already be at the police station so don't come looking for me. Okay? I'll call you guys with information the second I can. Tell Soda I love him, and I'm sorry. Okay?" I said. Tears were falling down my face now without control. I pulled Pony into a tight hug, and grabbed Johnny and we all stood there like that for a minute.

"Go now," I said, putting Johnny's switch in my pocket and breaking from the hug.

"COOKIE!" Pony shouted as I ran away.

"C'mon Pony, let's head home," I heard Johnny say.

"NOO! COOKIE PLEASE!" His screams hurt me. What hurt me more was that depending how this goes, I may never be able to kiss Soda, or hug Steve or any of the gang ever again. What would've hurt me the most was if Johnny or Pony went to jail. So I kept running.

Johnny's POV:

"NOO! COOKIE PLEASE!" Pony screams as I try to grab him to take him home. I knew this hurt him. Cookie was like an older sister to him. She was like a sister to all of us. But I had to stay strong for Pony.

"It'll be okay Pony. Cookie knows what she's doing," I said, grabbing his arm. I hope she does at least...

By now, he was cooperating more and I think he knew he couldn't do anything. She was too far gone by now.

We walked the rest of the way home in silence. I was dreading my job of telling the gang what happened. I knew Soda was going to be heartbroken. He was so excited to marry her and now she's going to jail because of something I did.

"We're here," Pony whispered.

We quietly walked up the stairs and Pony started to cry again. I opened the door and Darry and Soda were there.

"PONYBOY! Oh thank God you're okay! I'm so sorry I hit you. I never meant to. Please don't go. I don't wanna lose you like we did with mom and dad," Darry exclaimed as he walked through the door. Though I think that last part was a little too much for Pony because he started bawling again.

"Pony? What's wrong?" Soda asked walking in. That just did it for him because he started hyperventilating and it took them a while to calm him down.

"Soda, we should talk. You need to hear this first," I said to him, taking him to the living room.

"Johnny, what's going on? Is this about Pony?"

"Sit down Soda. You're not going to like this."

I explained everything to him. How we ran to the park, how the socs that jumped Pony earlier found us, how they grabbed Pony and started to drown him.

When I got to the part about Cookie killing Bob, Pony screamed from the kitchen, "NO SHE DIDN'T! AND YOU KNOW IT TOO JOHNNY!"

Soda looked at me confused, he already had tears in his eyes.

I sighed and told him the truth. "She didn't. It was me. But she took my blade and ran for the police station anyways. We tried to talk her out of it but she wouldn't let us. She said me and Pony couldn't go to jail but she could. So she told me to tell the gang the fake story in case the station pulled any of us in. She said she'd call once she had more information and was able to."

"My Cookie, my poor little Cookie. All alone in the cooler," Soda whispered to himself. "Excuse me," he said as he got up. He went to his room, and stayed there the rest of the night.

I never went to Cookie's house to sleep. I couldn't face Steve alone. He'd be too devastated.

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