Can't You Leave Me Alone?

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Y/n's POV:

I walked to my first class. Reading. It was okay. I had the class with Pony, even though he's a freshman and I'm a junior. We sat down and all eyes were on me.

"Hey Grease," some socs said behind me. Pony gave me a look, warning me not to do anything stupid.

"Hey. You answer when I'm talking to you Grease," he was seething.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I snapped, turning around. 

"Is it true.." he started.

Oh great. We'll be here awhile.

"..that you dumped Alex, and got with that grease who works down at the gas station that same day?" He asked with a pure look of innocence on his face. Dipshit.

"No. It's not ass face," I say turning back around. He started to kick my chair, but before I could get up, the teacher walked in and he stopped. 

The class was boring as usual. When the bell finally rang, I practically ran our the door. Most of the day was boring like that. Good thing not much was going on while I was out.

I was walking to my locker after fifth period to grab some money for lunch. Well, whatever the school calls a lunch. I opened my locker and a bunch of notes fell out. I bent down to pick them up, and I carefully unfolded one.


Whatever. I'm not sure why, but something compelled me to open up another note.


I slammed my locker shut and stomped towards the cafeteria. When I walked in, everyone started to quiet down and look at me. I stomped over to the table to where Two, Pony, and Johnny were already sitting.

"Hey Cookie," Pony said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Look at these," I grumbled, throwing the notes on the table. Two picked them up and read them.

"Are you kidding me?! Where'd you find these?!" He almost shouted. He was pissed.

"I found them in my locker," I said.

"What do they say?" Johnny asked in a curious voice. Two handed him the notes and Johnny read them. He looked up at me with a hurtful expression on his face, and handed them to Pony to read. 

"Who do you think wrote these?" Johnny asked.

"Probably Alex and his jackass friends," I grumbled. As if on cue, I heard someone whisper in my ear.

"Look, baby, can we please talk about what happened? I really am sorry," he said. He was missing a couple of his front teeth, and a bandage was sitting on his nose.

"If you were truly, undeniably sorry, you wouldn't have gotten her pregnant," I snapped right back at him.

"Look, we all make mistakes. I love you," he pleaded with me.

"Beat it Alex. I'm dating someone else now who won't treat me like shit, or get another man's girlfriend pregnant."

"But Y/n-"

"Hey beat it jackass," Two said, glaring at him. "Leave the girl alone. Or do me and my buddies have to kick your ass a second time?"

Alex had an expression of fear on his face, but it was quickly replaced by annoyance. "No," he mumbled as he walked away.

"Thanks Two," I said smiling at him.

"No problem Cookie," he said with a grin. "I'd beat the shit outta him for the hell of it."

I giggled at his response. "What did y'all do to him? He looked rough."

"Oh, me, Dal, and Steve beat the hell outta him. Dal broke his ribs, Steve broke his nose, and I knocked a couple teeth out along with a couple other bruises," Two said with a wink.

A sad smile formed on my lips, thinking about the fight me and Steve got into last night. Crazy to think that was only last night.

We all ate our lunches in silent after that. When the bell rang for our last two periods, Johnny walked up to me.

"Everything is gonna be alright Cookie," he said squeezing my hand.

"Thanks Johnnycakes," I said, giving him a small smile and a kiss on the cheek. I ran to my next class, and before I knew it, the day was over.

We all met out in front of the school and started to walk home.

"Hey guys, I think I'm gonna stop by the house and see if Steve's there. If not, I'll go to the DX. Don't wait up for me," I say, running ahead of the guys.

"Stay safe Cookie!" Two shouted after me.

I ran to the house and saw an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. Weird. Maybe Steve has a girl over?

I walked in the house and set my bag down on the floor. I put my keys on the table in the hallway and walked into the living room. I froze with shock. There it was. Sitting right on my couch. In my house. My worst nightmare. It came true.

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