9: From Good To Evil

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Dabihawks assault continues. Sorry folks.

3rd person pov:

As Hawks lays in bed, gripping the chain that's around his neck to the headboard of the bedframe. His mind wonders.

Haw:^I use to enjoy being a hero. The smiles I would see during a secsesful day. Though I came home with injuries at times. The satisfaction of helping others is all I needed. Then I found out just how many criminals hot away with crimes. I had rescued a child from their abusive uncle. Only for his attorney to get him out of trouble. That's when I got the call about a murder. It was the child who was killed. Yet he still walked free. My rage boiled over. He was the first of many to follow. My feathers turning his body to mulch as we flew over the ocean. He became chum. That's when others came to the Commisioner to hire the problem solver. For every life a saved. Blood stained my hands. I hate what I've become. The hero who became a villian......... i.... I deserve this.^

Hawks falls asleep. Only to wake up when dabi sits up in the morning. Yet he doesn't open his eyes.

Haw:^Maybe if I sleep too long. He'll lose intrest.^

Dabi turns Hawks to lay on his stomach.


Haw:^Damnit damnit no stop.... please.^

Dabi grabs hawks right arm to pin it to his back. Then he pins the left one up above Hawks head.

Dabi:"I know you're awake. Though your acting is good. There's one thing that no one can hide."

Dabi leans in and whispers.


The moment Hawks clinches his jaw and trembles. He opens his eyes at the moment dabi thrusts in without preping. Though his cock is covered in lube. Hawks feels the pain as something rips.


Dabi:"Try to relax. You'll be here for awhile."

Every thrust is hard and jolting.  The entire bed rocks with him. Dabi stops to only drink water, or smoke. Only to put the cigarettes out on Hawks back before going again. Hawks tries his best to fight dabi off. Only to end up hurt. From the chain being used to choke him. To burns on his wrists, neck, and stomach. Hawks cries soon go silent after five hours. The pain was too much. So his mind shut off to protect him. Awake but not responding.


Dabi removes the chain around hawks neck.

Dabi:"Go back to him if you wish. Just remember that he'll hate you if he finds out what happened. He'll abandon you just like he did to his family. Not to mention that you'll have no one to love you anymore."

As Hawks gets dressed and gets to the door. Dabi pulls him close to leave a massive hickey on Hawks neck.

Dabi:"You're mine. Never forget that."

Haw:"I.... I won't. "

Dabi:"Good boy~  Make sure to keep those love marks hidden."

As dabi opens the door. Hawks hears him sing.

Dabi:"Alouette, gentille alouette
Alouette, je te plumerai."


That was the last thought before Hawks realized what's happening.

Haw:^He's letting me go. Instead of asking and staying longer. I...... I just wanna go home.^

Hawks walks home in civilian clothes. By this point, enji is leaving for work. As enji walks down the walkway to the main street. He sees Hawks walking past him with a hood over his head. Eyes dull and without spark of happiness.

Enji turns around to see him struggle to unlock the door.


Enji's tone is soft and concerned.

Hawks quickly unlocks the door and heads straight for the shower. Ignoring the growl of his stomach. Now undressed and in the bath. Hawks opens his mouth to drink as the water washes over him. He then looks at the marks, and with every touch to his skin. Hawks can't bare to relive it. So he sits in the water, curled up crying softly.

As enji walks back in. He follows the sound of running water.


Haw:"I'm alright."

As enji reaches for the doorknob. He stops.

Haw:"Please don't come in. I had a rough meeting with the league and wanna be alone."

Enji:"Do you want me to pick you up something while I'm out? A candle, Epson salts, spa kit, or comfort food?"

Haw:"I'm ggood. Thank you for asking."

Enji hears the sarrow he's trying to hold back causing as if his throat tried to close. So enji puts his head to the door.

Enji:"If you're sure. I'm heading out. I love you."

Hawks trembles more and gulps his feelings down to speak.

Haw:"I.... I love you t○"

Hawks voice breaks to a whisper at the last moment. As regret causes him to feel worse.

It isn't until the water turns cold and begins to hurt. That Hawks gets out of the shower to eat something and dress his wounds  before crawling into bed.

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